

©World Christian Broadcasting

Shortwave Radio Station KNLS, Anchor Point, Alaska, USA

Recording Studios: Franklin, Tennessee, USA




-- 出埃及记 20 章



作者: 谢德华 


二。“十诫”的价值:                                A. 每条诫命都指明一个永恒的原则: 






u 20:3 5:7 除了我以外,不可以有别的神。 只有一位___。










x 20:8  5:12 当记念安息日,守为圣日。


y 20:12 5:16 当孝敬父母。 在家庭里, ___ ___为首。在社会里,政府为首。
z 20:13 5:17 不可杀人。 人的生___是神圣的。
{ 20:14 5:18 不可奸淫。

婚姻和家庭是神圣的;结婚  前后不可以犯___ ___。

| 20:15 5:19 不可偷盗。 人应以劳力换取所得。私有的财产是神圣的。
} 20:16 5:20 不可作假见证陷害人 。 ___理是神圣的。
~ 20:17 5:21 不可贪恋。 对人与他所拥有之物存善意。

B. 基督徒为何要研读“十诫”?                      1。不是因为“十诫”是神给现代人的律法。                  2。因为“十诫”建立在神永恒的原则上,建立在神永不改变的原则。耶稣基督的律法也建立在这相同的原 则上。                3。因为“从前所写的圣经,都是为教训我们写的,叫我们因圣经所生的忍耐和安慰,可以得着盼望” (罗马书 15:4)。        4。“十诫”对社会来说也是重要的。任何一个遵守“十诫”的社会将会是一个平静的,且爱好和平的社会。                    5。因此,我们研读“十诫”是好的。我们要背诵“十诫”,且把它连接于我们的日常生活中。(但第四条诫命例外;基督徒敬拜神的日子是星期天。)

C. 基督徒不受“十诫”的约束,原因何在?               “十诫”本来不给于非犹太人或基督徒;“十诫”是颁给犹太人。                                                      A). 出埃及记19:3:“摩西上到上帝那里去,耶和华从山上呼唤他,说∶“你要这样告诉雅各家,吩咐以色列人说…”。        B).申命记5:1:“摩西把以色列人都召了来,对他们说∶「以色列人哪,我今日讲给你们听的律例和典章,你们要听从,要学习,要谨慎遵行”。                                              C).罗马书第一章至第三章告诉我们,神创造人类时,神把道德观(自然律)刻在人的心版上。这自然律等于跟“十诫”的第五至第十条一样。神期待犹太人遵守摩西律法;神期待非犹太人遵守自然律。罗马书2:12:“凡没有律法犯了罪的,也必不按律法灭亡;凡在律法以下犯了罪的,也必按律法受审判”。非犹太人不受摩西律法约束,也不受摩西律法审判。但他们受自然律和道德观约束,也会被这自然律受审判。                                    D).罗马书2:13-15:“(原来,在神面前不是听律法的为义,乃是行律法的称义。14 没有律法的外邦人,若顺着本性行律法上的事,他们虽然没有律法,自己就是自己的律法。15 这是显出律法的功用刻在他们心里,他们是非之心同作见证,并且他们的思念互相较量,或以为是,或以为非)”。大自然“够”让人们知道天上有一位创造天地、万物、人类的神,且知道应该尊荣和敬拜他,及遵守自然律和自然道德观。                                   E).使徒行传15章,罗马书,加拉太书等经文教导我们:在第一世纪,使徒告诉早期的基督徒,成为基督徒的非犹太人不受摩西律法约束。他们不必受割礼,不必守摩西律法等。

三。“十诫”被耶稣基督的死亡和复活废止了                            A).  歌罗西书2:13-14你们因着过犯和肉体未受割礼,原是死的,然而上帝赦免了我们的一切过犯,使你们与基督一同活过来,14 涂抹了那写在规条上反对我们、与我们为敌的字句,并且把这字句从我们中间拿去,钉在十字架上。                       B).哥林多后书3:10:“那从前有荣光的,现在因那超越的荣光,就算不得有荣光”(请参看全章)。                         C). 西伯来书8:7, 13:“如果头一个约没有缺点,就没有寻求另一个约的必要了. . . 上帝既然说到新的约,就是把前约当作旧的了;那变成陈旧衰老的,就快要消逝了”[新译本]           D).马太福音5:17-18[和合本]“莫想我来要废掉律法和先知;我来不是要废掉,乃是要成全。 18 我实在告诉你们:就是到天地都废去了,律法的一点一画也不能废去,都要成全”。”[新译本]:“你们不要以为我来是要废除律法和先知;我来不是要废除,而是要完成。 18 我实在告诉你们,就算天地过去,律法的一点一画也不会废去,全部都要成就”。[给现代中国人译本]“不要以为我来的目的是要废除摩西的法律和先知的教训。我不是来废除,而是来成全它们的真义。我实在告诉你们,只要天地存在,法律的一点一划都不能废掉,直到万事的终结”。(“…直到万事的终结”或翻“…直到法律所教导的一切都实现”。) [普通话本]:不要以为我是为了要毁弃律法和先知的教导而来的,我不是来毁弃它们的,而是来贯彻和实现它们的。18我实在告诉你们,只要天地还存在,律法的一笔一划都不能消失,直到所有的事情发生。” 最后两个翻译才是正确的。注意耶稣说:“直到”。耶稣并没有说旧约律法不会废去;他说“直到旧约律法所教导的一切[关于耶稣等事]都实现”它才会废去。耶稣死在十字架上,复活,回到天上去后,旧约律法才“成全”了。因此,基督徒不受旧约律法约束;基督徒受耶稣基督约束。(从另外一个角度来说,摩西律法并没有被“废去”;它还在这里!但是基督徒不受它约束。犹太人也不应该受它约束。)                                                                                                E).请注意:读者不要认为作者的意思是“十诫”或《圣经旧约》对基督徒无用!“十诫”和《圣经旧约》对基督徒的用处太大!《旧约》也是我们“脚前的灯,路上的光”。我们每天都可以查考和遵行。但是,还是那句话:我们不受《旧约》的诫命约束。基督徒受《新约》约束。





u 除了我以外,不可以有别的___ 马太福音4:10; 22:37; 使徒行传17:22-31; 哥林多前书8:5-6
v 不可为自己雕刻___ ___ 使徒行传17:22-31; 罗马书1:22-23; 约翰一书5:21;
w 不可妄称耶和华你神的___ 马太福音5:33-37; 雅各书5;12
x 当记念安息日,守为___

神指示早期基督徒把敬拜神的日子改为耶稣复活的日子,星期天: 使徒行传20:7; 哥林多前书16:1-2; 启示录1:10。基督徒要“安息”,但是星期日不是“基督徒的安息日”.

y 当孝敬___ ___

马太福音15:4-9; 19:19; 马可福音7:10-13; 10:19; 路加福音18:20; 以弗所书6:1-3; 哥罗西书3:20

z 不可___

马太福音5:21-22; 19:18; 罗马书13:9

{ 不可___ ___

马太福音5:27-28,31-32; 19:1-12; 罗马书13:9; 哥林多前书6:9-20;7; 雅各书2:8-11

| 不可___ ___

马太福音19:18; 罗马书13:9; 以弗所书4:28

} 不可作___见证陷害人 马太福音19:18; 罗马书13:9; 以弗所书4:25; 哥罗西书3:9
~ 不可___ ___ 路加福音12:15; 哥罗西书7:7; 13:9; 以弗所书5:3,5; 希伯来书13:5





Dishonest Isaac & Jacob

Exodus chs. 20

Are Christians Subject to the
 Ten Commandments Today?

By: Edward Short©

1.Purpose of this lesson:  To show that Christians are not subject to the Ten Commandments(and the Mosaic Law).  Jesus Christ established a new law for the entire world, as recorded in the New Testament.  In fact, one can easily see that we continue to observe nine of the Ten Commandments, but we obey these nine because Jesus made them a part of his new law and not because we are subject to the law of Moses.

2.The Value of the Ten Commandments:                    A.Each command expresses an eternal principle:

# Ex. Deut. Command   Principle
1 20:3 5:7 You shall have no other gods before me. Only one God
2 20:4 5:8 You shall not make for yourself an idol.

God prohibits giving his due to another thing or person

3 20:7 5:11 You shall not misuse the name of the LORD. God, honor his authority.  The name of God is holy
4 20:8 5:12 Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy

People need rest; God allows people to rest. God has authority over man’s time. Some days are holy. Time is holy.

5 20:12 5:16 Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy Parents are head of the home.  Government is head of society.
6 20:13 5:17 You shall not murder. Life is sacred.
7 20:14 5:18 You shall not commit adultery. Marriage and the home is sacred; pre- and post-marital adultery is prohibitted.
8 20:15 5:19 You shall not steal.       People should work for their compensation.  Private property is sacred.
9 20:16 5:20 You shall not give false testimony... Truth is sacred.
10 20:17 5:21 You shall not covet… Maintain a good attitude toward people and their possessions.


B.Why should Christians study the Ten Commandments?                               1).Not because the Ten Commandments are God’s law for modern mankind.         2).Because the Ten Commandments were established on God’s eternal and unchanging principles.  Jesus’ law was also established on these same principles.    

3).”For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope” (Rom 15:4). 

4).The Ten Commandments are important for society.  Any society that obeys the Ten Commandments will be tranquil and peace-loving.        

5).Therefore it is good for us to study, memorize and practice the Ten Commandments. (No. 4 is an exception, as Christians worship on Sunday.)

C. Why are Christians not bound by or subject to the Ten commandments?

10 Commandments originally not addressed to Gentiles or to Christians; the Ten Commandments were given to the Jews. 

A).Ex. 19:3:  Then Moses went up to God, and the LORD called to him from the mountain and said, "This is what you are to say to the house of Jacob and what you are to tell the people of Israel:“

B).Deut. 5:1:  “Moses summoned all Israel and said: Hear, O Israel, the decrees and laws I declare in your hearing today. Learn them and be sure to follow them.”

C).Romans chs. one through three say that Gentiles were under a moral code written on man’s heart by God at creation; this was equivalent to the last six of the Ten Commandments.  God expected the Jews to keep the Law of Moses and he expected the rest of mankind to keep the moral law.  Rom. 2:12:  “All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law.”  Non-Jews are not subject to the law of Moses and will not be judged by it, but they are subject to natural law and the moral code and they will be judged by it.

D).Rom 2:13-15:  “For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.  14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law,  15 since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.)”   Nature is “enough” for man to know that there is a God in heaven who created all things, to know that he should be obeyed and worshipped and that natural law and the natural moral code should be obeyed.

E).Acts 15, Romans, Galatians and other Scriptures teach us:  In the first century, the apostles told the early Christians that those non-Jews who became Christians were not under the Mosaic Law.  They need not become circumcised and they did not become subject to the Mosaic Law.

3.10 Commandments repealed by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ

A).Col. 2:13-14:  “When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,14 having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.”

B).2 Cor. 3:4-18, 10:  “For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory.”

C).Hebrews 8:7, 13:  “For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another… By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear.”

D).Matt. 5:17-18:  [Several Chinese translations are given:  Union Version, New Chinese Version, Today’s Chinese Version, Putonghua Version.  The alternate reading in the Today’s Chinese Version is also included.]  "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.18 I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.”  The final two translations are correct.  Note that Jesus said “until.”  Jesus did not say that the Old Testament law would not be abolished, rather he said it would not be abolished “until everything [regarding Jesus, etc] is accomplished.”  After Jesus was crucified, resurrected and returned to heaven, the Old Testament was finally “fulfilled.”  Therefore, Christians are not subject to the Old Testament; Christians are subject to Jesus Christ.  (Looking at it from another angle, however, the Law of Moses has not been “abolished” in that it is still here!  Christians. However are not subject to it and even the Jews should not be.)

E).NOTE:  The reader should not think that the author is saying that the Ten Commandments or the Old Testament is useless for Christians!  The Ten Commandments and the Old Testament is very valuable for Christians!  The Old Testament is “a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.”  We can study and obey it daily.  However, as said already:  We are not subject to the laws of the Old Testament.  Christians are subject to the New Testament.

4.The Law of Christ includes nine of the Ten Commandments:



Repeated in the New Testament

1 You shall have no other gods before me Matt. 4:10; 22:37; Acts 17:22-31; 1 Cor. 8:5-6
2 You shall not make for yourself an idol. Acts 17:22-31;  Rom. 1:22-23;  1 John 5:21
3 You shall not misuse the name of the LORD Matt. 5:33-37; James 5:12
4 Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.

God instructed the early Christians to change the day to worship God to the day that Jesus was resurrected, Sunday:  Acts20:7; 1 Cor. 16:1-2;  Rev. 1:10.  Christians should “rest” but Sunday is not the “Christian Sabbath.”

5 Honor your father and your mother.

Matt. 15:4-9; 19:19;  Mark 7:10-13;  10:19;  Luke 18:20;  Eph. 6:1-3;  Rom. 3:20

6 You shall not murder

Matt. 5:21-22;  19:18;  Rom. 13:9

7 You shall not commit adultery Matt. 5:27-28, 31-32;  19:1-12;  Rom. 13:9;  1 Cor. 6:9-20;  ch. 7;  James 2:8-11
8 You shall not steal.       Matt. 19:18;  Rom. 13:9;  Eph. 4:28
9 You shall not give false testimony... Matt. 19:18;  Rom. 13:9;  Eph. 4:25;  Col. 3:9
10 You shall not covet…  

Luke 12:15;  Rom. 7:7:  13:9;  Eph. 5:3,5;  Heb. 13:5


(2004.10.24)(2005.5 Rev.)

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