










“Baptism” 07: Jesus’ Blood and Our Baptism
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short

Jesus’ Blood and Our Baptism
Acts 2:38

The Jews who went to worship in Jerusalem that day had no idea that they would hear the first Christian sermon ever preached. The date was probably about May, A.D. 29. Many people knew that some fifty-three days previously, a man named Jesus, had been put on trial. Although the Roman authorities pronounced him innocent, the Jews crucified him. The crowds didn’t know, however, that Jesus had been raised from death, and they didn’t know that he was the Son of God. How surprised they were, therefore, when someone named Peter stood in their midst and proclaimed this very message. Peter convinced them that the blood of the Christ was on their hands!

Peter had not yet finished speaking when the people asked him, “What shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38, NIV).

In answering the question asked by the audience, Peter also ex-plained the meaning of baptism to those who would later read the Bible (i.e., you and me). From the context we see that there is a very close relationship between baptism and the blood of Jesus.

Jesus was crucified for the world, and was raised from death for all people. Nothing other than the blood of Jesus and the grace of God can forgive a man’s sins. God happily extended his grace to mankind, and Jesus went to the cross voluntarily.

Man has his responsibility too, however, so we must reach out and accept God’s grace and the precious blood of Jesus.

The first part of Peter’s sermon that day explained what God had done to save mankind. God had sent Jesus. The suffering endured by Jesus was all part of God’s plan and foreknowledge, and then on the third day, God brought Jesus forth from the grave. All of this was God’s marvelous grace.

Jesus’ life was holy. Jesus’ sacrifice was voluntary; his pain was real; his resurrection was not faked. Jesus’ life and work were also part of God’s marvelous grace.

As stated previously, man has his responsibility too. Man must believe God and have faith in God; man must extend his hands and receive God’s grace and Jesus’ blood.

In the Scripture that we’re discussing, Peter tells us how to extend our hands and receive the grace of God and the blood of Jesus. Peter says that we should, 1) ”repent,” and 2) be “baptized, every one of you…” Repentance and baptism are part of the response we make to God’s love and grace, to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. In baptism we receive God’s grace, his gift and his forgiveness.

The message of the Bible is that “God so loved the world…” (John 3:16). The apostle Peter proclaims that repentance and baptism are the correct responses of faith through which the love of God is applied to an individual believer, and the time at which Jesus becomes one’s personal savior. The apostle Peter declared, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” I hope you’ll make the decision to do this real soon!

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