
Circumcision03 (150 x 119)第一次有人問我“割禮是什麼?”,我幾乎不相信我雙耳所聽道的。因為是一位二十歲左右大的女孩子問我,我有一點不好意思回答她的問題。慢慢地,我發現很多非基督徒不知道“割禮”是什麼。








今天,有的男人(包括基督徒和非基督徒)受割禮為要保護妻子的健康,減少妻子得子宮癌和其它疾病的可能性。嬰兒、大漢都可以受割禮。雖然割禮不是神給現代男人的誡命,但是它幫助我們明白箴言的話,說:“孩子啊,你要聆聽我的吩咐… 因為得到[我的訓言]就得到生命,全身也必康健”(箴言4:20, 22)。

What is Circumcision?

The first time I was asked about circumcision, the question came from a young lady, and I was somewhat embarrassed to answer it. Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin from the male penis.

In the Bible, circumcision began with Abraham and his family (Genesis 17), ca. 2000 B.C., as a sign that they belonged to God. It also showed Abraham that his descendants would receive the promises God made to Abraham. Genesis 17:8-12 shows that circumcision does not prove that a certain person is a Jew but rather that he is one who is in covenant relationship with God.

Some five hundred years after Abraham, the Mosaic Law also included circumcision. It showed that a person belonged to God and thus should obey God’s “covenant/law.” Non-Jews were sometimes termed “the uncircumcised.”

Perhaps, like me, you find circumcision strange. We should remember, however, that as circumcision affects a man’s organ of procreation, it was a daily reminder to all Jewish men that they and their descendants belonged to God, so they should be loyal to him and should keep themselves pure.

Do Jews practice circumcision today? Yes. Should Christians be circumcised? Many are, but it is not a command from God, as Christians are not under the Mosaic Law. Galatians 5:6 and 6:15 indicate that Christians are free to be circumcised or not to be circumcised. Research shows, however, that women whose husbands are circumcised have a lower incident of uterine cancer; perhaps this helps us understand Proverbs 4:20, 22.

FAQ’s About Christianity (07): What is Circumcision?
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short


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