
TenCommandments01 (164 x 180)Cross01 (160 x 188)世界上有五、六個大宗教,包括猶太教和基督教。很多人不懂基督教和猶太教有什麼共同點,又有哪些不同點。




JudiasmStarOfDavid02 (200 x 211)目前,如幾千年以來一樣,每年猶太人過贖罪日。猶太教的不同派別對贖罪日有不同看法和習慣。在贖罪日那天,有的人做自我檢討和批評,思考到那年自己所做的哪些不應該做的事情。他就要懊悔這些事,下決心明年要做一位更好的人。


JesusOnCross25 (200 x 296)2)猶太人不相信耶穌的寶血能夠赦免人的罪孽。他們不相信耶穌死後復活了,所以只能把耶穌看為普普通通的人。他不會是救主;他不會赦免任何人的罪孽。


What are the Differences Between Christianity and Judaism?

There are five or six major religions in the world and these include Judaism and Christianity. Both Judaism and Christianity worship the same God (the creator of all things), and they admire the same heroes—Abraham, Moses, Daniel, Isaiah, etc. They emphasize the same moral standard.

Throughout history and even today, Judaism has been suppressed and people have tried to eliminate the Jews. As a Christian, I respect Jewish people in general and support the nation of Israel in particular.

Jews celebrate the Day of Atonement each year, but they do not understand that a Jew—Jesus Christ—came to earth in the first century to save all people and forgive their sins, including the Jews.

Why do Jews not believe in Jesus? Simply put, there are three reasons, and these three reasons are major differences between Judaism and Christianity: 1) Jews do not accept Jesus as God; they do not receive Jesus as the “Messiah” for whom their ancestors longed. 2) Jews do not believe that the blood of Jesus can forgive sins. 3) Jews do not accept the “New Testament” as part of the Bible.

Jews are a very strong ethnic group and we thank God for them. God expressed his love for the Jews by sending Jesus to them. I hope all Jews will believe in Jesus and become Christians.

FAQ’s  About Christianity (06): What are the Differences Between Christianity and Judaism?
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
生命之光廣播電台 © 2022