
tabernacle03 (150 x 110)民數記第二課:帳幕成聖——奉獻供物:民數記七至十章


一。民數記七章:各族長奉獻祭物民數記7:1-88:10-11節:“用膏抹壇的日子,首領都來行___ ___壇的禮,眾首領就在壇前獻供物。耶和華對摩西說:‘眾首領為行奉獻壇的禮,要每天____個首領來獻供物’”。總共有幾天?____。7:84-88:以色列的眾首領為行獻壇之禮所獻的,作平安祭的,公山羊總共有___ ___只。7:89:“摩西進會幕要與___ ___ ___說話的時候,聽見法櫃的施恩____以上、二基路伯____間,有與他說話的聲音,就是___ ___ ___與他___ ___”。你認為當時摩西脈搏有多少?請參看出埃及記25:22:神早告訴摩西他要與他。)

二。民數記8章:潔凈利未人之禮民數記8:1-4:有幾個燈台?5-26節:利未人經過潔凈之禮以後,利未人自己在神的面前作搖。8:10-11:“將利未人奉到耶和華面前,以色列人要___ ___在他們頭上。亞倫也將他們奉到耶和華面前,為以色列人當作___ ___,使他們好辦耶和華的事”。8:21-22:“於是利未人___ ___自己,除了___,洗了衣服,亞倫將他們當作搖祭奉到耶和華面前,又為他們___ ___,潔凈他們。然後利未人進去,在亞倫和他兒子面前,在會幕中___ ___”。利未人為什麼要潔凈自己?請說明利未人“當作搖祭”的意思和意義。請用“當作搖祭”一事來解釋《聖經》新約彼得前書2章5, 9兩節和羅馬書12章1節所教導基督徒的。8:23-26:利未人到____歲就要退休?退休後,可以伺候(普通話本翻譯為“協助”),不可以___ ___。

三。民數記9:1-14:第二個逾越節:請說明“逾越節”是什麼,紀念什麼事等。(出埃及記12章記載第一個逾越節。)6-13節:如果張三因為不潔凈而不可以守逾越節,怎麼辦?9:11-12:逾越節晚餐包括羊肉,___ ___餅,陪___菜。他們為什麼要吃苦菜?提醒他們什麼事?關於羊羔的骨頭,有什麼規定?為什麼逾越節的羊羔讓基督徒想到耶穌基督在十字架上?9:14:假如有寄居在以色列人團體里的“外人”,(普通話本翻譯為“寄居的外僑”),耶和華是否允許他守逾越節?但是他必須接受和遵守所有的___ ___和___ ___。此事表達神不但愛以色列人,神也愛誰?

四。民數記9:15-23:雲彩遮蓋帳幕:請述說帳幕之上雲彩的作用。雲彩“上去”或“停住”等於是誰指揮以色列人起行或住營?23節:“他們___耶和華的吩咐___ ___,也___耶和華的吩咐___ ___。他們___耶和華所___ ___的,都是憑耶和華吩咐摩西的”。(請參看民數記10:11-13, 33-36。)



Numbers/02: Dedication of the Tabernacle
Numbers chapters 7-10

1. Numbers 7: Tribal leaders Present gifts: Num. 7:1-88: Vs. 10-11: When the altar was anointed, the leaders brought their o________ for its dedication and presented them before the altar.11 For the LORD had said to Moses, “Each day o___ leader is to bring his offering for the dedication of the altar.” For how many days? Vs. 84-88: Israelite leaders made an offerings for dedication of the altar, fellowship offerings, male goats for the sin offering totaled how many? Vs. 89: “When Moses entered the Tent of Meeting to speak with the L__, he heard the voice speaking to him from b____ the two cherubim above the atonement c____ on the ark of the Testimony. And h___ s____ with him.” What do you think Moses pulse rate was at this time? (See Ex. 25:22: God already told Moses that he would do what with him?)

2. Numbers 8: Ceremonial Cleansing of the Levites: Num. 8:1-4: How many lamps were there? Vs. 5-26: After the Levites were ceremonially cleansed, the Levites themselves were presented as a wave o____. Vs. 10-11: “You are to bring the Levites before the LORD, and the Israelites are to l___ their hands on them. Aaron is to present the Levites before the LORD as a w____ o_____ from the Israelites, so that they may be ready to do the work of the LORD.” 21-22: “The Levites p_____ themselves and washed their clothes. Then Aaron presented them as a wave offering before the LORD and made a______ for them to purify them. After that, the Levites came to do t____ w____ at the Tent of Meeting under the supervision of Aaron and his sons…” Why did the Levites cleanse themselves? Explain what “presented them as a wave offering” means. Use “presented them as a wave offering” to explain the teaching to Christians in 1 Peter 2:5, 9, and Romans 12:1. Vs. 23-26: At what age did the Levites have to retire? After retirement, they could assist, but could not do the w_____. [The Easy-to-Read Chinese Version is also given.]

3. Numbers 9:1-14: The Second Passover: Explain “Passover” and what it memorializes. (The first Passover is recorded in Exodus 12.) Vs. 6-13: What should someone do who could not keep the Passover because of being ceremonially unclean? Vs. 13: What should happen to someone who was ceremonially clean but chose not to keep the Passover? Vs. 11-12: The Passover meal included lamb, u_____ bread, and b___ herbs. Why did they eat bitter herbs? Bitter herbs reminded them of (what)? What was the regulation re. the lamb’s bones? Why does the Passover lamb make Christians think of Jesus Christ on the cross? Vs. 14: If an alien lived among the Israelites, did the Lord allow him to celebrate the Passover? [The Easy-to-Read Chinese Version wording for “alien” is also included.] However, he must accept and keep all the r____ and r____. This indicates that God not only loved the Israelites, God also loved whom?

4. Numbers 9:15-23: The Cloud Covers the Tabernacle: Describe the uses of the cloud above the Tabernacle. When the cloud “lifted” or “settled,” it actually was G___ directing the Israelites to set out or to encamp. Vs. 23: “At the LORD’S command they e____, and at the LORD’S command they s__ o__. They o___ the LORD’S o___, in accordance with his command through Moses.” (See also Num. 10:11-13, 33-36.)

5. Numbers 10:29-32: Moses and Hobab: Who was Hobab? Why did Moses want Hobab to accompany them? Do you mean that God’s cloud was not sufficient to guide them? With what pleasant words did Moses try to persuade Hobab to accompany them? Do you think that Hobab finally went or not? (See Judges 1:16.)

Bible Study Questions: Numbers Lesson Two
Numbers 7-10: Dedication of the Tabernacle
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
World Christian Broadcasting
Franklin, TN 37067 USA

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