
MiriamLeprosy01 (169 x 244)民数记第三课:怨天尤人:民数记十一至十二章


11:4-6:“闲杂人大起贪欲的心”说了什么话?他们的记忆力准不准?第二十一世纪的社会上有没有这种人?(请举例。)第二十一世纪的教会里有没有这种人?(请自我省察“我是否这种人?”)吗哪等于是神每一个星期当中六天,行在希伯来人眼前的神____。吗哪也象征着神对以色列人的爱护,所以他们拒绝吗哪等于拒绝____(参看11:20)。11:10-15:摩西反应如何?可见,摩西很累也感到很困惑。摩西认为他毫无力量作以色列人的领袖;他认为无论如何,以色列人不与他合____,所以他的任务是作不成____的。因此,摩西向神说些什么?11:14-15:“管理这百姓的责任太____了,我独自担当___ ___。你这样待我,我若在你眼前蒙恩,求你立时将我___了,不叫我见自己的苦情”。

二。民数记11:16-20:神为摩西解决问题:神用哪两个方法解决摩西和群众的问题?11:16-17:摩西要把几位长老带来?为什么?神说他“要把降于[摩西]身上的___分赐他们” 。“灵”字指的是什么?11:18-20:神叫摩西告诉以色列人他们将要吃___。神说“…要吃一个整月,甚至肉从你们鼻孔里喷出来,使你们厌恶了,因为你们厌弃住在你们中间的耶和华…”此句话时,他的“语调”如何?为什么?充满慈爱的神怎么能生气?11:21-22:摩西怀疑什么?你认为摩西的信心软弱下来了吗?11:23:请背诵神给摩西的反应:“耶和华对摩西说:‘耶和华的膀臂岂是___ ___了吗?现在要看我的话向你___ ___不___ ___!’”(请参看以赛亚书50:2, 59:1。)

三。民数记11:24-30:[神的]灵降在七十名长老身上:我们无法知道七十位长老其中的两位为什么没有与其他六十八位一块儿出来。原因并不一定是因为他们要违背神。神还是接受了他们,让他的灵将在他们身上。约书亚反应如何?摩西回答约书亚:“你为我的缘故___ ___人吗?惟愿耶和华的百姓都受感说话,愿耶和华把他的___降在他们身上!”藉着这句话,我们再次见到摩西的好态度,他的谦虚、他的伟大、他爱人的心。


五。民数记12章:连米利暗和亚伦与摩西作对:12:1-2:解《经》家对摩西的妻子有三个看法与解释,如下:1)也许,这位“古实女子”就是出埃及记二章(16节及21-22节)所提到的___ ___ ___。如果是,米利暗和亚伦犯了种族歧视罪。2)也许摩西,除了西坡拉以外,另外娶了第二个妻子。3)也许,西坡拉已经死了,所以摩西娶了新的老婆。无论如何,米利暗和亚伦的毁谤和控告不针对西坡拉或新来的那位妻子,乃是针对摩西本人。他们嫉妒摩西,嫉妒摩西与神之间的关系;他们特别嫉妒摩西作以色列人的领袖。(See NIV Study Bible and Clyde M. Woods’ commentary on Numbers: The Living Way Commentary on the Old Testament, Vol. 2: Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. Shreveport, LA: Lambert Book House, 1974.)

六。民数记12:1-2:米利暗和亚伦:“米利暗和亚伦因他所娶的“古实女子”,就毁谤他,说:‘难道耶和华单与摩西说话,不也与我们说话吗’?”请您回答亚伦和米利暗的问题。(当然答案是“耶和华也与米利暗和亚伦说话”。)米利暗和亚伦是摩西的____和____。除了摩西以外,以色列的领袖们也包括___ ___暗和___ ___。亚伦是___祭司;乌陵和土明在亚伦的手中(出埃及记28:30)。米利暗被称为“女先知”(出埃及记15:20)。因此,神“与他们说话”过。问题何在?米利暗和亚伦认为他们站“第二位”还不够!他们要站“第一位”。(当“副总统”和“总理”不够意思;他们要当“总统”。但是,请问,一个国家能同时有两个“总统”吗?如果亚伦和米利暗两个人能取代摩西,他们会感到满意吗?)在基督耶稣所设立的教会里,谁为首?参看:正面:马太福音20:26;负面:约翰三书9-10节。


八。民数记12:4-16:米利暗受罚:神向亚伦和米利暗说什么责备他们的话?12:9:“耶和华就向他们二人___ ___而去”;神___开了他们。神怎么样惩罚米利暗?之后,谁为米利暗求救?最后,米利暗获得了什么惩罚?


Numbers/03: Complaining
Numbers chapters 11-12

1. Numbers 11: The People Murmur: 11:1-3: Why did the Israelites complain? In what two ways did God react? How can a loving God have anger to be aroused? 11:4-6: What did the rabble say? Was their memory accurate? Are there this kind of people in the 21st century? Are there this kind of people in the church in the 21st century? (Each one should ask self, “Am I such a person?”) Manna was a m______ that God performed before the eyes of the Hebrews six days a week. Manna symbolized God’s protection for the Israelites, so in rejecting manna, they were rejecting G___ (see Num. 11:20). 11:10-15: What was Moses’ response? Moses was tired and frustrated. Moses believed that he did not have the strength to be leader of the Israelites; he thought that no matter what, the Israelites would not co-o_______ with him, so he was unable to be s________ in his work. What then did Moses say to God? 11:14-15: “I c_____ c____ all these people by myself; the burden is too h____ for me. If this is how you are going to treat me, put me to d_____ right now—if I have favor in your eyes—and do not let me face my own ruin.”

2. Numbers 11:16-20: God Solves Moses’ Problem: In what two ways did God solve Moses’ problem? 11:16-17: How many elders was Moses to take with him? Why? God said that “I will take of the S______ that is on you and put the Spirit on them.” To what does the word “Spirit” refer? [Note: Chinese has no equivalent to capital letters.] 11:18-20: God told Moses to tell the Israelites that they would eat (what)? What was God’s intonation when he said, “…for a whole month–until it comes out of your nostrils and you loathe it–because you have rejected the LORD, who is among you…”? Why? How can a God of love become angry? 11:21-22: What did Moses doubt? Do you think that Moses’ faith wavered? 11:23: Memorize God’s response to Moses: “Is the LORD’S arm too s_____? You will now see whether or n___ what I say will come t____ for you.” (See Isaiah 50:2, 59:1.)

3. Numbers 11:24-30: [God’s] Spirit Descends on Seventy Elders: We do not know why two of the seventy elders did not go with the other sixty-eight. The reason is not necessarily because they disobeyed God, as God still accepted them and put [his] Spirit on them. What was Joshua’s reaction? Moses replied to Joshua: “Are you j______ for my sake? I wish that all the LORD’s people were prophets and that the LORD would put his S_____ on them!” In this sentence we again see the good attitude of Moses, his humility, his greatness and his love for others.

4. Numbers 11:31-35: God Expresses Anger toward the Israelites: How did God enable the people to eat meat? What meat did they eat? How much meat did they eat? What sins do you think the people committed? Why did God’s anger burn against the people and struck them with a severe plague? (See Psalms 78:23-32; 106:11-15.) What lessons should Christians today learn from this event?

5. Numbers 12: Even Miriam and Aaron Oppose Moses: Bible commentators have three explanations regarding Moses’ wife: 1) Perhaps this “Cushite” is the Z_______ of Exodus 2:16, 21, 22. If so, then Miriam and Aaron were guilty of racial discrimination. 2) Perhaps Moses took a second wife in addition to Zipporah. 3) Perhaps Zipporah died and Moses took a new wife. Whatever the case, the slander and complaints spoken by Miriam and Aaron were not aimed at Zipporah or the new wife but at Moses himself. They were jealous of Moses, jealous of Moses’ relationship with God; they were especially jealous of Moses being leader of the Israelites. (See NIV Study Bible and Clyde M. Woods’ commentary on Numbers: The Living Way Commentary on the Old Testament, Vol. 2: Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. Shreveport, LA: Lambert Book House, 1974.)

6 Numbers 12:1-2: “Miriam and Aaron began to talk against Moses… for he had married a Cushite. ‘Has the LORD spoken only through Moses?’ they asked. “Hasn’t he also spoken through us?” Please answer their question. (Of course the answer is “Jehovah had also spoken with Miriam and Aaron.”) Miriam and Aaron were Moses’ s_____ and b______. Besides Moses, the Israelite leaders included M_____ and A_____. Aaron was the h___ priest; in his hands were the Urim and Thummin (Ex. 28:30). Miriam was called a “prophetess” (Ex. 15:20). Therefore, God had spoken through them. So what was the problem? Miriam and Aaron thought that their being in “second place” was not enough. They wanted first place. (To be Vice-President and “Premier” was not enough; they wanted to be “President.” However, can a nation have two presidents? If Miriam and Aaron were to replace Moses, would they be satisfied?) Who is head of the church that Jesus Christ established? Please read: positive: Matthew 20:26; negative: 3 John 9-10.

7. Numbers 12:3: Moses’ Humility: “(Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.)” Some people believe that this sentence was not written by Moses, but was added to the Bible by someone later. Perhaps this was Joshua’s judgment of Moses and he added it to Numbers. These Bible scholars say that it is not humility to call oneself humble! However, some commentators do not agree with this assessment. In identifying himself as “humble,” Moses meant: Miriam and Aaron opposed and complained against Moses but Moses did not have the courage, verbal skills or strength to argue in his own defense. Moses had the courage to stand in the presence of Egypt’s Pharaoh and plead for him to release the Hebrews. Moses had the courage to tell the Israelites they had sinned. Moses had the courage to ask God to forgive the sins of the Israelites. But Moses did not have the courage, oratory or strength, to face the charges spoken by Miriam and Aaron and defend himself; Moses could not toot his own horn. So he told later generations that he was very humble. (Clyde M. Woods’ commentary on Numbers.)

8. Numbers 12:4-16: Miriam is Punished: What words of rebuke did God speak to Aaron and Miriam? 12:9: “The a____ of the LORD b_____ against them, and he l____ them;” God l____ them. God did God punish Miriam? Who pleaded on Miriam’s behalf? What punishment was Miriam given after this?

Bible Study Questions: Numbers Lesson Three
Numbers 11-12: Complaining
作者:谢德华 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
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