
MosesRedSea (160 x 113)出埃及记第六课:离开埃及:出埃及记 13:17-14:31

一。出埃及记13:17-19:以色列人时常准备做____。神带领他们“绕道而行,走旷野的路到___ ___去”。神为什么没有让他们走途经非利士人的近路?摩西把约瑟的什么特别的___头一同带去(19)?是谁要求的?(参看创世纪50:25。)这个要求的意义很深;是什么?

二。出埃及记13:20-22:耶和华神用什么方法“使他们日夜都可以行走”?这样,神给他们人眼看得见的___ ___神与他们同在。



五。出埃及记14:15-18:请形容神叫摩西所作的。神答应以色列人要走____地到对岸。因此,每一个人都要承认这个神迹是谁做的?以色列人要归___ ___给耶和华;埃及人要知道“他”是__ __ __。


七。出埃及记14:21-22:云柱使得以色列人和埃及军队不能彼此相近时,“耶和华就用极强的东___,一夜之间使海水___ ___;他使海变成____地。以色列人下到海中走___地,水在他们的左右作了___垣。”(注意:以色列人过红海这件事情,是整个以色列国历史中的一个顶点一个高潮,但是《圣经》只用几句话形容。)不久以前,以色列人埋怨摩西,但是现在他们表现了信心;怎么说呢?是因为他们走进___ ___。如果我们在场,我们敢不敢走进去?

八。出埃及记14:23-25, 29:法老为什么让他的军队追赶以色列人而进入海中?难道他不怕吗?神怎么样为以色列攻击埃及人?整个的事情要多久时间? (20节:“这样整夜彼此都不能接近”:新译本;24节:“到了晨更的时候”。)所以,总共差不多___夜。(大约凌晨二时至六时)。为什么要那么长时间?以色列人走___地到对岸。水在他们的左右作了___垣;对他们有什么作用?


十。出埃及记14:30-31:“以色列人看见耶和华神向埃及人所行的大事,就___ ___耶和华,又___ ___ ___和他的仆人___ ___”。我们曾经见过神在我们的日常生活上成就大事。之后,我们向神怎么样?如果你跟朋友交谈有关埃及人所遭遇到的事情,之后你朋友向你说“神让那么多埃及人死在家里和海里,神实在没有爱心”,你怎么样反应,怎么样回答他?


Bible Study Questions: Exodus Lesson Six
Exodus 13:17-14:31: Leaving Egypt

1.Ex. 13:17-19: Israel was always prepared to wage w____. God lead the people around through the wilderness road toward the R___ S___. Why did God not allow them to take the shorter way through the Philistine country? What special item did Moses take (19)? Who requested this? (See Gen. 50:25.)

2.Ex. 13:20-22: How did Jehovah God enable the Israelites to “travel by day or night”? Thus God gave them a visible p_____ of his presence.

3.Ex. 14:1-9: Why did God want Pharaoh to think that the Israelites had lost their way (1-4)? What did God mean when he said, “But I will gain glory for myself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord”? Ex. 14:5-9: Why did Pharaoh change his mind and pursue the Israelites?

4.Ex. 14:10-14: What was the reaction of the Israelites when they saw the Egyptians pursuing them? What did the Israelites say in complaint to Moses? Consequently, we know that their faith was ___. Logically speaking, the Israelites had already seen God’s glory, authority and power (e.g., in the ten plagues and in the pillars of cloud and fire), consequently their faith should have been very s_____. Moses replied, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” [The Chinese text of the “New Translation” is quoted.]

5.Ex. 14:15-18: Detail what God told Moses to do. God enabled the Israelites to walk to the opposite shore on dry g_____ . Consequently, everyone had to acknowledge that this miracle was done by G___. The Israelites would g_____ the Lord; the Egyptians would know that he is the L___.

6.Ex. 14:19-20: Explain clearly what these two verses record; describe what God (the angel of God) did. What was the original purpose of the pillar of cloud? What did it do now? How could the pillar of cloud bring “darkness to one side and light to the other side”? What was the purpose of this? (The purpose was “so neither went near the other all night long.)

7.Ex. 14:21-22: While the pillar of cloud separated the Israelites and Egyptians, the Lord used a strong e___ wind all night long and d____ the waters; he turned the sea into d___ ground. The Israelites walked down into the sea and walked on d____ ground with a “w____ of water on their right and one their left.” (Note: The crossing of the Red Sea was a pinnacle or climatic moment in the history of Israel, but the Bible describes it in just a few sentences.) The Israelites murmured against Moses not long before this, but now they are demonstrating some faith; how so? Because they walked into the Red Sea. If we had been there, would we have dared to enter it?

8.Ex. 14:23-25,29: Why did Pharaoh make his army pursue the Israelites into the sea? Was he not afraid? How did God fight for Israel and against Egypt? How long did this whole event take? (V. 20: “…Throughout the night…” V. 24: “During the last watch of the night…”) Therefore, it probably took about a___ night. (From about 2:00 a.m. until 6:00 a.m. ; [see Woods, p. 163.]) Why did it take so long? The Israelites walked on d___ ground to the opposite bank. The water on both sides became w____ and acted to p______ them.

9.Ex. 14:26-28: God told Moses to s______ his _____. [Chinese translations differ on what word is used here.] What was the result? What was the end of Pharaoh’s army? Read carefully Ex. 14 and 15. Does Scripture say that Pharaoh himself died in the sea?

10.Ex. 14:30-31: “…the Israelites saw the great power the LORD displayed against the Egyptians, the people f_____ the LORD and put their t____ in him and in Moses his servant.” How do we react to God after we see him do mighty things in our daily lives? If you and a friend are talking about the Egyptians and the friend says, “If God allowed that many Egyptians to die at home and in the sea, he cannot be a God of love,” how would you react and how would you answer your friend?

出埃及记第六课:离开埃及:出埃及记 13:17-14:31
Bible Study Questions: Exodus Lesson Six
Exodus 13:17-14:31: Leaving Egypt
作者:谢德华 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
World Christian Broadcasting
Franklin, TN 37067 USA

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