
Joseph04 (150 x 97)创世记42章

一. 我想约瑟内心一定有许多疑问,并且他还面对一个挑战:他心里想知道他的兄弟们改变了没有?他们懊悔了没有?他们学好了功课没有?约瑟想要知道他众兄弟中有没有一个能够当领导人?是否有好兄弟可以负责管理父亲的产业?约瑟又想得知当年他的兄弟们回家后,是如何向父亲解释他的“失踪”的。多年来,约瑟想知道父亲是否真的以为他死了。(他早就猜想到兄弟们骗父亲,说他死了。也许他怀疑父亲是否完全相信他们。)约瑟需要知道,这几年来,兄弟们是如何对待老父亲的?约瑟也想得知弟弟(便雅悯)长成什么样子了?我想约瑟心里还有更多的问题。现在兄弟们来了!约瑟要怎么样对待他们呢?

二. 如果您带领圣经学习班,我建议您让几个人将创世记第42章作为剧本表演一下。最好,用新的普通话译本,使得人听得更明白。(请把所有“他说”等拿掉不说;让它自然化。)请几位把“剧本”念熟,然后在班上演出。这样做会帮助各位理解约瑟和哥哥们彼此之间的关系。

三. 约瑟要做选择——他可以用什么方法找到以上问题的答案?譬如:他可以…

1. 约瑟可以进来马上介绍自己,比方说:“诸位兄弟,你好?!你们看看我是谁!你们看看谁在这里!你们记不记得以前我做的梦?”

2. 约瑟可以一直不介绍自己。只是把粮食卖给他们,一言不发地送他们回家。

3. 约瑟可以处死他们;他拥有此权柄。处死他们之后,叫他父亲和弟弟便雅悯来埃及过日子。

4. 约瑟也可以考验他的兄弟们,以便得知他们是否改好了。同时他也会有机会看清神的旨意 。如果他选择如此做,他会面对其他的一些决定,如下:

1) 约瑟可以先介绍自己的身份,之后再跟兄弟们谈谈,问他们许多问题。

2) 约瑟可以把多数的人送去监狱;把少数人送回家。

3) 约瑟可以先问兄弟们很多问题,考验他们之后再介绍自己的身份。(这是他决定做的。)

4) 您认为约瑟还可以做什么呢?

四. 约瑟的智慧:创世记42章让我们看见约瑟的智慧。请多谈谈以下的几个事实和问题:

1. 约瑟的目的是什么?约瑟想做什么?他要试验、考验他的兄弟么?

2. 约瑟不着急。如果约瑟没有耐心,他可以很快的“报仇”。但是他慢慢地考验他们,同时他理解了神的旨意。

3. 约瑟要考验兄弟们。约瑟想要得知他的兄弟们是否对以前所做的事感到后悔。他需要知道他们有没有改过自新?

4. 约瑟懂得什么叫做 ”tough love” (对人很严格的爱)。我的意思是”真爱”对对方严格些。比方,一)如果孩子偷懒不读功课,你是否对他说:“因为我爱你,所以我让你随己意而行”。或者对他说:“因为我爱你,所以我要逼你做功课”。二)别人考驾驶执照时,你希望考试严不严呢?如果不严,车祸就多了!三)你的大夫考医学执照时,你认为考试要严格一点还是简单一点?你要不要让没通过严格医学考试的人为你动手术呢?同样的道理,约瑟在考验他的兄弟——考他们“做人”时,他很严格。

5. 约瑟的策略(考试)没有恶意只有善意。他不伤害他们,但要他们现出本性。约瑟让他们表现出卖兄弟几年之后是否有后悔之处。

五. 我们像不像约瑟用智慧和爱考验别人?请把约瑟用的这种“真爱”(严格的爱)应用在日常生活上,譬如:

1. 用在孩子的身上:什么时候要对孩子严格一点?父母要不要用”tough love”严格的爱?请举例。

2. 用在妻子和丈夫的身上:什么时候要对配偶用严格地爱?妻子或丈夫要不要用”tough love” 严格的爱?请举例。

3. 用在父母亲的身上:孩子什么时候要对父母使用严格的爱?请举例。

4. 用在教会弟兄姐妹的身上:什么时候要对教会弟兄姐妹用严格的爱?长老什么时候要用”tough love” 严格的爱对待弟兄姐妹?请举例。

5. 用在雇员的身上:公司和老板什么时候要对雇员用严格的爱?请举例。

6. 请把此道理用在其他的情况下。请举例。


Joseph (3)
Genesis 42

1. Joseph faced the problem and challenge of determining whether his brothers had changed or not, repented or not, learned any lessons or not. Had a brother turned into a leader, one able to take responsibility for their father’s inheritance? Joseph wondered what his father had been told regarding his “death.” What did his father think had become of him? How did the brothers treat their father? What was his little brother like? No doubt, many questions were on Joseph’s mind.

2. Have several people read Genesis 42 as a drama from a modern speech translation of the Bible. If the people who read will take it seriously, this can be a very exciting and helpful experience.

3. How could Joseph ascertain the answers he sought? For example…

1) Joseph could come in and say: “Hey brothers! Lookie! Here I am! Remember those dreams I had a few years ago?!”
2) Joseph could never reveal his identity. Sell his brothers the food and send them on their way without saying anything!
3) Joseph could kill them. He had the authority. Then later bring his father and Benjamin to Egypt.
4) Joseph could test them to find out whether they had changed. At the same time he would have opportunity to look for God’s will in all this; e.g.:

a) Joseph could reveal his identity first and then talk to them and ask all his questions afterward.
b) Joseph could put more of his brothers in prison and send fewer home.
c) Joseph could first ask his brothers questions and reveal his identity later–which is exactly what he did.
d) What else could Joseph have done to test his brothers?

4. Joseph’s wisdom: In Genesis 42 we see several examples of how wise Joseph was.

1) What was Joseph’s purpose? What did he want to do?
2) Joseph was not in a hurry
3) Joseph wanted to test his brothers
4) Joseph understood the meaning of “tough love” (“Real gold fears no fire” love). (By this I mean that true love is tough love. 1–If your child is lazy and will not study, do you say, “Because I love you I will let you do however you want”? Or do you say, “Because I love you I insist that you study”? 2–When others take a driving test, do you think their exam should be harder or easier? 3–When your doctor takes his medical license exam, do you want his test to be easy or hard? Do you want as your surgeon someone who could not pass a difficult medical exam? In the same way, when Joseph gave his brothers an exam on “life,” he made it a difficult exam.)
5) Everything in Joseph’s cunning test was with good intentions; there was no evil in his plan.

5. Do we use wisdom and love to test others like Joseph did? Give examples of using this kind of love:

1) With children: When should one be strict and use “tough love” with their children? Give examples.
2) Husband and wife: When should one be strict and use “tough love” with their spouse? Give examples.
3) Parents: When should one be strict and use “tough love” with their parents? Give examples.
4) Church members: When should the elders be strict and use “tough love” with church members? Give examples.
5) Employees: When should a company or the boss be strict and use “tough love” with employees? Give examples.
6) Give other examples of this kind of love.

Bible Study Questions: Joseph (3)
Genesis 42
作者:谢德华 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
World Christian Broadcasting
Franklin, TN 37067 USA

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Rev. 2016.9.12.

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