
Joseph06 (150 x 113)创世记43:1-45:15

一. 如前一课程一样,请几位以创世记43:1-45:15为剧本表演一下。在场的人不但受益,他们也会听得更加明白。

二. 犹大为什么告诉父亲雅各(以色列)他们不用回埃及去?

三. 我们通过什么知道犹大已经有所改变?哪位的“保证”比较好:吕便的(42:37)或犹大的(43:8-9)?

四. 如果迦南地有饥荒,怎么会有“这地土产中最好的…”(43:11)?

五. 约瑟跟他的管家协商做什么(43:16)?

六. 请列下什么事情使兄弟们高兴,什么事情使他们害怕(43:17-34)。结果是什么?

七. 约瑟为什么激动地流下眼泪?

八. 为什么他们都分开坐?兄弟们为什么事情而愕然(43:33)?

九. 约瑟给兄弟们的考验还没有完;他还没有得到最清楚的画面,最彻底的了解。我的意思是约瑟还不知道,如果兄弟们有机会,会不会看轻弟弟便雅悯的性命如同多年前看轻了约瑟的生命一样。约瑟不要伤害便雅悯;他要考验兄弟们(44:1-17)。如果他们考不及格,便雅悯自然而然在谁的保佑之下?结果,谁出来,说什么话,使得约瑟确实的知道他们既爱弟弟便雅悯又爱老父亲雅各?此事也说服约瑟,他的兄弟们的确改变了态度。犹大说了些什么?

十. 当约瑟表明身份时,兄弟们如何反应?请多描述此情况。

十一. 请把创世记四十五章五节和七节背下来:

和合本:5 现在,不要因为把我卖到这里自忧自恨,这是神差我在你们以先来,为要保全生命。… 7:神差我在你们以先来,为要给你们存留余种在世上,又要大施拯救,保全你们的生命。

新译本:5 现在你们不要因为把我卖到这里来,而自忧自责。这原是上帝差派我在你们以先来这里,为要保全性命。… 7 上帝差派我在你们以先来这里,为要给你们在地上留下余种,大大施行拯救,保全你们的性命。

普通话本 :5 你们不要为这件事忧虑和自责。是上帝差遣我先到这里来,为的是拯救大家的性命。 …7 上帝差我先到这里来,就是要保全大地上一些人的性命,用这种奇异的方法拯救你们。

十二. 谁的手掌管一切?谁的旨意彰显在这件事情里?神有没有勉强这些人中的任何一个人做他所做的?

十三. 身为基督徒的我们,应该从约瑟所作所为学习什么?(请列下几样事情。)


Joseph (4)
Genesis 43:1-45:15

1. Just as was suggested in the last lesson, let several people read Genesis 43:1-45:15 as a drama from a modern speech (translation) Bible.

2. Why did Judah tell his father Jacob (Israel) that they need not return to Egypt?

3. How do we know that Judah has changed some? Whose gave the better “guarantee,” Simeon or Judah?

4. If Canaan had a famine, how could there be “the best products of the land” (43:11)?

5. What plan did Joseph make with his steward (43:16)?

6. List events that made the brothers happy and events that made them fearful (43:17-34). )? What was the result?

7. Why was Joseph moved to tears?

8. Why did they sit separately? What astonished the brothers (43:33)?

9. Joseph’s test of his brothers is not yet over as he has not yet seen the total picture. Joseph still has not determined whether his brothers, if given the opportunity, would value lightly Benjamin’s life just as they had so lightly valued his life years before. Joseph does not want to endanger Benjamin; he wants to test his brothers (44:1-17). If the brothers fail the test, Benjamin automatically would come under the protection of whom? In the end, who stepped forward and what did he say that convinced Joseph that the brothers not only loved Benjamin and their elderly father Jacob, but that they were changed men with a different attitude toward life?

10. What was the brothers’ reaction when Joseph revealed his true identity? Try to describe the situation.

11. Memorize Genesis 45:5 and 7. Three Chinese versions are quoted above. Here is the New International Version: “5 And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. …7 But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.”

12. Whose hand controls all things? Whose will is evident in these events? Did God make any of these people do what they did?

13. As Christians, what can we learn from Joseph?

Bible Study Questions: Joseph (4)
Genesis 43:1-45:15
作者:谢德华 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
World Christian Broadcasting
Franklin, TN 37067 USA

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Rev. 2016.9.12.

生命之光广播电台 © 2022