
IsraelitesInCamp01 (150 x 108)民數記第一課:預備起行:民數記第一至第六章




三。民數記3至4章:第3章及第4章述說以色列人中的哪個支派的家族?請說明民數記3章11-13節, 41節, 44-45節的意思和意義。民數記3:39:利未人的男人總數為幾位?




七。民數記5至6章:以色列人預備將要離開西奈山時,摩西指出和強調幾種條例。民數記5至6章包括五種條例, 如下:1)民數記5:1-4:把不___潔的人趕出營___。 2)民數記5:5-10節:若有人犯了人所常犯的___,他要做什麼?3)民數記5:11-31節:猜疑妻子不貞的案件。也許此“試驗”包括心裡作用 (心裡壓力),但是誰作裁決?(16,18,21等節。) 4)民數記6:1-21:拿細___人的條例。什麼叫做“許拿細耳人的願”?“拿細耳”是“歸主”和“分離”的意思。所以“拿細耳人”把自己特別歸給誰?在某些事情上,他與別人是分___的,是___一樣的。拿細耳人不可以吃什麼?不可以喝什麼?不可以用什麼做什麼?不可以親近什麼?他要___潔。一般來說,拿細耳人要守這些規定到什麼時候?今天,什麼使得基督徒“不潔凈”或“不聖潔”?5)民數記6:22-27:祭司的祝福。

八。民數記6:22-27:祭司的祝福:請背誦此祝福,如下:“你們要這樣為以色列人祝___說:‘願耶和華賜___給你,保護你。願耶和華使他的臉光___你,賜恩給___。願耶和華向你仰臉,賜你___ ___。’他們要如此奉我的___為以色列人祝福,___也要賜福給他們”。請注意:1)“你”(單數,不是複數)。2)“平安”意思並非“平安無事”而已,乃是每一個人在各方面都很完整健全等。3)“奉我的名”因為以色列人屬於耶和華;他們是他的子民。請問,今天,世人怎麼樣才可以得到這種祝福?


Numbers Lesson One: Preparation to Move
Numbers chapters 1-6

1. Num. 1: Vs. 1: How long have the Israelites been gone from Egypt? Vs. 2: What did God tell Moses to do? Who was included and who was not included? Which tribe was the largest? What was the total number? Which tribe was not counted?
2. Num. 2: Chapter two tells how the twelve tribes did what?
3. Num. 3 and 4: Chapters three and four describe the branches of which tribe? Explain the meaning and significance of Num. 3:11-13, 41, 44-45.
4. Num. 3:5-10: Note: All priests were L____ but not all Levites were priests. Priests were limited to descendants of Aaron. Other Levites helped the p_____.
5. Num. 3:5-10: See Lev. 10, especially vs. 1-3: “Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu took their censers, put fire in them and added incense; and they offered unauthorized fire before the LORD, contrary to his command. So fire came out from the presence of the LORDand consumed them, and they died before the LORD. Moses then said to Aaron, “This is what the LORD spoke of when he said: “‘Among those who approach me I will show myself holy; in the sight of all the people I will be honored.'” Aaron remained silent.” God demanded purity; God demanded obedience. Nadab and Abihu presented “strange fire.” [The Easy-to-Read Chinese Version is also given: “Fire not approved by the Lord.”] They disobeyed Exodus 30:9 (7-10). Bible scholars believe that the item Nadab and Abihu offered was not approved by God; the method they used was also wrong; they worshipped in vain and it was rejected by God. Who were Nadab and Abihu? They had seen God’s (what) (Ex. 24:1, 9-11)? Why did God made them fall “dead before the LORD?” What do Christians today learn from this incident? (See Clyde M. Woods, The Living Way Commentary on the Old Testament, Vol. 2: Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. Shreveport, LA: Lambert Book House, 1974.)
6. Num. 4: Numbers ch. 4 describes the census and work responsibilities of three branches of the Levites. List the three groups.
7. Num.5-6: When the Israelites prepared to leave the Sinai, Moses pointed out and emphasized several laws. Five of these are included in Numbers chs. five and six, as follows: 1) Num. 5:1-4: S______ from the camp anyone who is ceremonially u________. 2) Num. 5:5-10: If anyone commits any of the s____ that men commit, he shall (do what)? [See RSV or KJV.] 3) Num. 5:11-31: Wife suspected of not being chaste. Perhaps this “test” includes psychological pressure, but from whom comes the verdict? (See vs. 16, 18, 21 etc) 4) Num. 65:1-21: Laws regarding N_______. What is a “Nazarite vow”? “Nazarite” means “to God” and “one separated.” Thus a “Nazarite” has specially given himself to G___, and under some circumstances, he is s_____ from other people, is d_____ from others. The Nazarite did not eat what? Did not drink what? Could not use a what? Could not come in contact with what? He was to be h____. In general, how long should a Nazarite should keep these regulations? What will make Christians today “unclean” or “unholy”? 5) Num. 6:22-27: The Priestly Blessing.
8. Num. 6:22-27: The Priestly Blessing: Memorize this blessing, as follows: ‘This is how you are to b_____ the Israelites. Say to them: “‘ “The LORD b_____ you and keep you; the LORD make his face s_____ upon you and be gracious to y___; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you p_____.” ‘ “So they will put my n____ on the Israelites, and __ will bless them.” Note: 1) “You” is singular, not plural. 2) “Peace” does not simply mean “absence of incident,” but that each person is complete in every way, sound in body and mind, etc. 3) “Put my name on the Israelites” because the Israelites belong to the Lord; they are his people. Question: How can people obtain this blessing today?

Bible Study Questions: Numbers Lesson One
Numbers 1-6: Preparation to Move
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
World Christian Broadcasting
Franklin, TN 37067 USA

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