
worship03-150-x-113 三:因为最早的基督徒时常聚会敬拜神







Why Christians Attend Worship Every Sunday
03: Because the First Christians Set an Example
By Edward Short

One of the special characteristics of Christianity is that there is only one authority and standard in Christianity, and that’s the Bible. People who confess Jesus Christ to be the Son of God accept the Bible as their compass for life, and as the blueprint for Christianity. This article presupposes that the Bible is the only book wherein Christians can find the will of God.

The Bible records that the earliest Christians often met together and worshiped the true God of heaven, the God who saved them. After his resurrection, and before he ascended back to heaven, some of the very last things that Jesus said on earth were directed to his apostles. Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you…” (Matthew 28:18-20 NRSV). The worship assemblies were major opportunities for the earliest Christians to hear the apostles and other teachers speak, and thus learn the teachings of Jesus. No wonder that the apostle Paul told his disciple Timothy, “…what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well” (2 Timothy 2:2 NRSV). From this we can see that the teachings of Jesus Christ were to be transmitted from one generation to the next, all the way to today. The teachings were not the words of men, not the assumptions, will or doctrines of men, but were the truths of Scripture.

The early Christians emphasized the worship assembly. At the beginning of the church they met together daily and received instruction and worshiped God. The venues were the Jewish temple in Jerusalem and the homes of Christians. After the teachings of Jesus were spread beyond Jerusalem, Christians met together in homes, on river banks and in caves. After Christians began to be persecuted, they met in the catacombs. Whatever the situation, even when their lives were put at risk, they still wanted to meet together. These Christians serve as examples to us; they worshiped God, and we should do the same.

For some time after Jesus established his church, Christians were all Jews. Jews had several hundred years of teaching, history and habit of going to the temple or synagogue to learn Scripture, pray and worship, so it was not difficult for them to transition from Jewish ceremony and faith to Christian belief and worship. After non-Jews started becoming Christians, however, perhaps the situation changed. The Gentiles who came out of paganism had to acquire the new habit of attending the assembly each Sunday with other Christians to glorify and thank their Father in heaven. They read Scripture, prayed, partook of the Lord’s Supper and sang praises to God. Not only did the apostles teach them to worship in this way, but they also indicated that thousands of generations of Christians to come were to do this as well. Including you and me!

It’s true that the earliest Christians had their problems as well as their moral failures. They were imperfect people and they committed many sins. They don’t serve as our examples in their sins, but when the New Testament writers penned letters and urged them to repent and change their sinful ways, those instructions became the guide for later generations of Christians, and the doctrine of the church of Christ. So when the author of Hebrews wrote to a group of Christians who had lost their enthusiasm for their faith, and said, “not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another…” (10:25 NRSV), his words had the effect of telling Christians of all ages that they should never stop worshiping God.

The earliest Christians assembled often to worship God, so Christians today should do the same. Including you and me!

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