懷念Dale Ward (一): 攝影在艾爾米塔什博物館

Dale Ward02 (200 x 250)2006年10月10日凌晨四點鐘,Dale R. Ward先生,平安地斷了氣,離開了這世界。出生於1944年, Dale Ward 是生命之光廣播電台的節目部經理。他不但是我的老闆,他也是我的朋友。

Dale Ward有生之年,成就了幾件大事。他是美國廣播電台和電視台的採訪記者,新聞部主任和節目經理。他住在亞拉巴馬州時,不但在Heritage University教書,也為學校創建了一個廣播電台。此外,Dale在美國幾個州擔任過傳道人的工作和責任。



之後,俄羅斯政府有關單位授權Dale和生命之光廣播電台,在艾爾米塔什博物館(Hermitage Museum)攝影,製作影片把艾爾米塔什博物館裡面的幾幅倫勃朗等畫家畫的名畫給俄羅斯人作特別的介紹。這兩部影片在俄羅斯的電視台以及幾個教會裡播放後,受到熱烈的歡迎。

Dale前往俄羅斯聖彼得堡攝影時,他的健康狀況並不很好;他有睡眠窒息的問題,所以睡覺的時候要帶一個面罩,用機器和管子, 把空氣送進他的鼻孔和嘴巴里。此外,Dale的心臟也有問題。但是,雖然如此,他堅持親自去俄羅斯攝影。



剛才所說的會讓您看到Dale的精神、創造力、藝術感和遠見。您可想象得到,獲得俄羅斯政府官員以及艾爾米塔什博物館官員的批准,把攝影機器,工作人員,演員等帶到世界有名的艾爾米塔什博物館攝影,不是一件容易做的事情。但是Dale Ward很有毅力,所以他堅持到底,成就了一件大事。

我很高興,也感到很榮幸,能夠與Dale Ward同工。我們生命之光的同仁都想到他,懷念他,為他所做的感謝天上的父神。

Memories of Dale Ward /01:
Filming in the Hermitage Museum
in St. Petersburg, Russia
By Edward Short, October 26, 2006

Dale Ward passed from this life on October 10, 2006, about 4:00 a.m. Born in 1944, Dale was Executive Producer at World Christian Broadcasting. Not only was he my boss, he was also my friend.

Dale accomplished several notable things while he lived. He was a news reporter and broadcaster for American radio stations, such as WCBD in Charleston, South Carolina, and a news anchor for WSPA, a television station in Spartanburg, South Carolina, as well. He was the director of news and programming departments for both radio and TV stations. When he lived in Alabama and taught at Heritage University in Florence, Dale established a radio station at the school. Additionally, over the years, Dale was a Christian minister in several cities.

Dale began working with World Christian Broadcasting in 1990. In order to lead the programming department of World Christian Broadcasting and to guide the content of the several language services, Dale studied a wide variety of information and acquired a wealth of knowledge. He was very knowledgeable about the history, culture, education and music of Russia and the former Soviet Union.

Under Dale’s leadership, World Christian Broadcasting became the first foreign radio station to broadcast the gospel of Jesus on domestic Russian Radio One, a nation-wide network.

Later, the authorities within the Russian government authorized Dale and World Christian Broadcasting to film inside the Hermitage Museum. Dale produced these films to give the Russian people a deeper understanding of the Rembrandts and other famous paintings in their own Hermitage Museum. These films were shown on some Russian TV stations and in several churches, and were received with great enthusiasm.

Dale’s health wasn’t the best when he journeyed to St. Petersburg, Russia. He had sleep apnea and congestive heart failure, nonetheless, Dale was determined to go to St. Petersburg and make the film.

Ill health or not, Dale felt a mission to introduce Russia’s national treasures to Russians. Perhaps this sounds strange to your ears, but the fact is that while the Russian people knew that their art was considered some of the most beautiful in the world, they did not understand the subject matter of some of it. The government of the Soviet Union had hidden the meaning of some of the famous paintings in the Hermitage Museum, and han’t told the people that some of the art depicted stories from the Bible.

For example, one painting shows Abraham about to slay his son Isaac, and another painting depicts the resurrected Jesus showing the wound in his side to Thomas, the doubting apostle. Under Dale’s direction, World Christian Broadcasting produced two films that enabled Russians to be reintroduced to their own national treasures, and to see in a brand new light the famous paintings that hang in the Hermitage.

Dale’s spirit, creativity, artistry and vision are all evident in this film project. You can imagine how difficult it was to obtain permission from the Russian government and the Hermitage Museum authorities to take cameras, personnel, actors and other equipment into the Hermitage to make these films. Dale Ward persevered however, and completed a large and valuable project.

I’m very happy that I had the honor of working with Dale Ward. All of us at World Christian Broadcasting think of him and miss him, and we thank God for all that Dale did.

懷念Dale Ward (一): 攝影在艾爾米塔什博物館
Memories of Dale Ward /01: Filming in the Hermitage Museum
in St. Petersburg, Russia
作者:謝德華 By Edward Short
©World Christian Broadcasting Corporation
Franklin, TN 37067 USA

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