

©World Christian Broadcasting

Shortwave Radio Station KNLS, Anchor Point, Alaska, USA

Recording Studios: Franklin, Tennessee, USA


要有“我能做到” 的態度

Dust and Shadows



    目录    微尘与泡影 Dust and shadows

         让他三尺又何妨:和解的学问 Take three steps back

         捉放曹 General Cao the bad guest

         权力和力量  Power that corrupts vs. power that lasts

         走出关中 Go and spread the Word

         话语的力量 Power of the Word

         相煎何太急 Am I my brother’s keeper?

         无处话凄凉?Loneliness beyond description?

         神爱农民 Yes! God loves farmers

         得胜之道 The winning way

         你们是世上的盐 You are the salt of the world

         你们是世上的光 You are the light of the world

         玄孙的玄孙 Inheritance that will not decay

