
GoldenCalf01 (150 x 119)出埃及記第十三課:金牛犢:出埃及記第24章,第32章

一。出埃及記24:1-8:眾人再次說他們要遵守神的___。4節:難道那時候人們已經發明了文具嗎?摩西識字嗎?7節:摩西又把約書拿過來,___給人民聽。眾人反應,說:“耶和華所吩咐的,我們都必___ ___”。

二。出埃及記24:6, 9:摩西用什麼批准及頒布此“約書”?


四。出埃及記24:12-18:神要為摩西做什麼?誰陪摩西上山?摩西在山上多久?好像只有摩西獨自一人進入___ ___中。此事讓我們想到一位之後要來到世界上的誰?17節:“耶和華的___ ___在山頂上,在以色列人眼前,形狀如烈___”。摩西害怕嗎?(參看希伯來書12:18-21。)


六。出埃及記32:5:“亞倫看見了,就在___ ___面前築了一座祭壇”。也許亞倫要改變眾人的想法和行動,所以他宣布說, “明日是___ ___ ___的節日”。亞倫醒悟過來了,想要把眾人的焦點改為耶和華神,但是亞倫太___了。你認為在這件“眾人犯罪”事情上,亞倫是“有罪”或“無罪”?

七。 出埃及記32:6-14:“人民… 就坐下吃喝,起來玩耍”。以色列人採取迦南地人宗教儀式(包括淫亂、縱酒宴樂等罪)。亞倫一旦開始放他們任意行動,他毫無辦法把他們挽回來。這種行動害誰?人民又犯了第幾條誡命?誰把此消息告知摩西?神的反應有二,是什麼?摩西又如何的改變神的想法?從中我們知道神有情感以及摩西很是什麼樣的人?

八。出埃及記32:15-18:形容摩西手中拿的那東西是什麼。“約書亞聽見人民呼喊的聲音的時候”,他以為是什麼聲音?但, 摩西糾正他,說是什麼聲音?

九。出埃及記32:19-24:“摩西走近營前的時候,看見了那___ ___,又看見了有人歌舞,他就發怒,把兩塊法版從他的手中___ ___,在山下把它們摔碎了。又把他們所做的那牛犢拿過來,用火焚燒,磨到___ ___,撒在___面上,讓以色列人____”。摩西問了亞倫,“這人民向你作了什麼,___竟使他們陷在大___里呢?”所以,摩西不認為亞倫沒有___ ___。亞倫提出哪兩個借口回答摩西?亞倫犯了十誡的哪條誡命?你認為神為什麼沒有懲罰亞倫?

十。出埃及記32:26-35:誰“屬”耶和華?請解釋第29節的意思;多看幾個不同的翻譯本。基督徒怎麼接受,怎麼解釋27至29節?30節:他們的罪能夠被赦免嗎?32節:摩西再次表示出他的內心如何的___ ___。33節:神說,每一個人都要為自己的罪負___ ___。34節:神答應摩西什麼,好鼓勵他?最後,“在[神]追討的日子,[神]必追討他們的____”。(現代中文譯本:“…我要差天使在你前面引導你。可是時候將到,我要懲罰他們所犯的罪”。)當天,如果您我在場,我們的結局會怎麼樣?我們會屬於神嗎?或者不屬於神?活或死?


Bible Study Questions: Exodus Lesson Thirteen
Exodus 24 and 32: The Golden Calf

1. Exodus 24:1-8: Once again the people said that they would obey God’s _____. Vs.4: Had writing instruments already been invented? ____. Could Moses write? ____. Vs. 7: Moses took “the Book of the Covenant and r___ it to the people.” They responded: “We will do everything the LORD has said; we will o____.”

2. What did Moses use to ratify and promulgate (put into effect) the Book of the Covenant”? B____.

3. Ex. 24:9-11: “Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and the seventy elders of Israel went up and saw the God of Israel.” Explain this. (See Gen. 32:30; Ex. 33:17-23; Num. 12:8; Joshua 13; Col. 1:15; 2 Tim. 6:15-16. What Moses, Aaron and others saw was a rare phenomena indeed; see 2 Cor. 12:1-4.

4. Ex. 24:12-18: What did Moses do? Who accompanied Moses up the mountain? How long was Moses on the mountain? It seems that Moses was alone when he entered the the c____ . Vs. 17: To the Israelites the g____ of the LORD looked like a consuming f____ on top of the mountain.

5. Ex. 32:1-4: What did the people quickly forget? What commandment did they quickly break? Who cooperated with them in this? Why do you think Aaron did this? Did Aaron want to forsake the real God? For what did Aaron ask the people? Aaron used these things and made them “into an idol cast in the shape of a calf, fashioning it with a tool.” The people (not Aaron) said: “These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.” Up to this point, what commandments had they broken? Perhaps Aaron did not intend for the people to worship the golden calf. Some Bible scholars think that Aaron’s purpose was for the gold calf to act as a pedestal on which the true God would be set (as was the function of the ark of the covenant). (See Clyde M. Woods, The Living Way Commentary on the Old Testament, vol. 1: Genesis-Exodus, p. 211.)

6. Ex. 32:5: When Aaron saw this, he built an altar in front of the c___.” Perhaps Aaron wanted to change the people’s thinking and actions, so he announced, “Tomorrow there will be a festival to the L___.” Aaron woke up and wanted to change the focus of the people to Jehovah, but it was too l____. Do you think Aaron was “guilty” or “not guilty” in this sin of the people?

7. Ex. 32:6: “…the people …sat down to eat and drink and got up to indulge in revelry.” The Israelites adopted religious practices of the Canaanites (which included sexual activity and orgies, etc). Once Aaron allowed the people to go their own way, there was no way for him to bring them back. Who is hurt by this type of action? Now what commandment have the people broken? Who told Moses about this situation? Ex. 32:9-14: What was God’s reaction (two things)? How did Moses change God’s thinking? From this we know that God has emotion and that Moses is what kind of a person?

8. Ex. 32:15-16: Describe the items Moses was carrying in his hands. Ex. 32:17-18: “When Joshua heard the noise of the people shouting,“ he thought it was the sound of w____. Moses corrected him however and said it was the sound of ______________________.

9. Ex. 32:19-24: “When Moses approached the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, his a_____ burned and he threw the tablets out of his hands, breaking them to pieces at the foot of the mountain. And he took the calf they had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to p_____, scattered it on the water and made the Israelites d_____ it.” Moses asked Aaron, “What did these people do to you, that y____ led them into such great s___?” And so Moses did not think Aaron was without r__________ in this matter. What two excuses did Aaron give Moses? What commandment did Aaron break? Why do you think God did not punish Aaron?

10. Ex. 32:26-35: Who was “for” the Lord? Explain vs. 29; read it in several translations. How can Christians accept and explain vs. 27-29? Vs. 30: Could their sins be forgiven? Once again we see Moses exhibit what quality? Vs. 33: God said that each person must take re_________ for his own sins. Vs. 34: What did God tell Moses as an encouragement to him? Eventually, “when the time comes for [God] to punish, [God] will punish them for their s___.” Had we been present on that day, what would have been our end? Would we have been “for” God or not? Alive or dead?

Bible Study Questions: Exodus Lesson Thirteen
Exodus 24 and 32: The Golden Calf
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
World Christian Broadcasting
Franklin, TN 37067 USA

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