
IntimimacyInHome01 (292 x 495)請問,您的孩子覺得你家中擁有親切感呢?孩子見到父母彼此相愛嗎?孩子看到父母互相擁抱嗎?孩子感到父母愛他們嗎?孩子可以自由地問父母任何問題嗎?你家是否給孩子無話不談的環境?孩子敢不敢把內心深處的話都告訴你呢?你曾經跟他們談論有關性這個問題嗎?與孩子一塊閱讀聖經就是一個談論性以及其他敏感主題的好方法。聖經內容包括愛、性、情感、怒氣、友誼、智慧等,所以給你機會在自然地而康健以及神聖的情況與孩子交談。



♥ 【基督徒家庭觀】目錄

1. 家庭如同三角形 ———The Home is like Triangles
2. 家庭的目的: 榮耀神 ———Purpose of the Home: To Glorify God
3. 家庭問題 ———Problems in the Home
4. 對準“焦點” ———Have Proper “Focus”
5. 依靠神過日子 ———Acknowledge Dependence on God
6. 回憶神的作為 ———Remember God’s Gracious Acts
7. 拒絕潮流之“神” ———Reject Popular “Gods”
8. 與家人親密 ———Intimacy in the Home
9. 休息時間 ———Leisure Time Activities
10.聖經是“家庭手冊” ———The Bible is a “Handbook” For the Home
11.家庭聖潔所以性生活也聖潔 ———The Home Is Holy Therefore Sex is Holy
12.我應該離婚嗎? ———Should I Divorce?

8. Intimacy

How much intimacy do children see and feel in your home? Do they feel free to discuss any subject? Would they share their inner-most thoughts with you? Have or will you discuss sex with your children? Reading through the entire Bible with your children is a good way for sex and other sensitive subjects to come up naturally, and to be discussed in a wholesome and Godly environment.

Read Proverbs chapter 5 with your spouse.
1) What wisdom does the father in Proverbs 5
share with his son/daughter?
2) Has your child ever shared his inter-most thoughts with you?
3) Have you ever discussed sex with your child?
(Maybe it is time to do so!)

By Edward Short

生命之光廣播電台 © 2022