
Uzzah01 (150 x 155)聖經問答

一. 大衛王和眾人想要把什麼既重要又至聖的東西從亞比拿達家送到耶路撒冷?你認為大衛王為什麼要這樣做?注意:約櫃在亞比拿達家也許已經有大約五十年之久。

二. 摩西律法怎麼樣規定搬運神的約櫃?(請參看出埃及記25:10-16,民數記4:1-6, 15及歷代志上15:11-15。)

三. 看起來,大衛沒有按照神的規定讓祭司抬約櫃。他好像以什麼為搬運約櫃的榜樣?(請參看撒母耳記上6:7)

四. 他們行走時,發生什麼意外?烏撒好意的反應是什麼?雖然是個利未人,神立刻怎麼樣懲罰烏撒?

五. 神為什麼這樣做?注意:神是至聖的。因為神的約櫃代表神,所以約櫃是一個至聖之物。一般有罪不聖潔的人不可以親近約櫃,就如同不可以親近神一樣。



六. 8節:連大衛王反應如何?為什麼?到底要怪誰?因此,大衛把約櫃擺放在哪裡?

七. 神怎麼樣對待俄別以東的家?因此,大衛才把約櫃送去哪裡?

八. 掃羅王的女兒米甲為什麼對大衛生氣?

九. 大衛怎麼樣自白?

十. 米甲終生沒有什麼?

⇒ 請參考本作者寫的“烏撒和神的聖潔”一:  http://www.smzg.org/home/%E4%B9%8C%E6%92%92%E4%B8%8E%E7%A5%9E%E7%9A%84%E5%9C%A3%E6%B4%81/


2 Samuel Lesson Six
2 Samuel Chapter 6: The Ark of God is Taken to Jerusalem

1. What important and holy item did King David and the people want to take from Abinadab’s house to Jerusalem? Why do you think king David wanted to do this? Note: The ark of God has been in Abinadab’s house for perhaps fifty years (Keil and Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament).

2. How did the law of Moses stipulate that the Ark should be moved? (See Exodus 25:10-16; Numbers 4:1-6, 15; 1 Chronicles 15:11-15.)

3. It appears that David did not have the priests carry the ark as God prescribed. Rather, it seems that he took what situation as his example of how to move the ark? (See 1 Samuel 6:7.)

4. What accident happened as they journeyed? What was Uzzah’s well-meaning reaction? Even though Uzzah was a Levite, what punishment did God immediately inflict on Uzzah?

5. Why did God do this? Note: God is holy. Since the ark of God represents God, it too is a holy item. People who are sinful and unholy were not allowed to get near the ark, just as they would not be allowed to enter into the presence of God. Can normal citizens have close contact with the president? Even though one may have the good intention of saying something nice, he will not be permitted to contact the president, prime minister or emperor. How much more then, if an unholy person wants to contact or give a hand of help to the Creator-God of the universe? If we do not understand God’s action toward Uzzah, I’m afraid we still do not appreciate or understand God’s holiness.

6. Vs. 8: How did David react to this? Why? Whose fault was the situation? Consequently, where did David place the ark?

7. How did God treat Obed-edom? Consequently, where did David finally take the ark?

8. Why did Michal, the daughter of King Saul, get angry with David?

9. How did David defend himself?

10. What did Michal not have throughout her life?

See also the brief bi-lingual article on this website that I wrote: “Uzzah and God’s Holiness”:  http://www.smzg.org/home/%E4%B9%8C%E6%92%92%E4%B8%8E%E7%A5%9E%E7%9A%84%E5%9C%A3%E6%B4%81/

Bible Study Questions: 2 Samuel Lesson Six
2 Samuel Chapter 6:
The Ark of God is Taken to Jerusalem
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.

生命之光廣播電台 © 2022