
AsSawFit01 (160 x 118)神的書《聖經》不但反映了我們人性的弱點,更在世人眼前發出神性的光輝,引導人類,提升我們,拯救您我。今天的你我正處於任意而行的狀態,虛度光陰糟蹋生命,隨波逐流顛沛愁苦嗎?何不藉着聖經士師記自我檢查一下!


一。我們不知道士師記 17章至21章所記載的事情是什麼時候發生的;很可能是在士師記早年之時。無論如何,士師記 17至21章所記載的人和事都描述一件可悲的事實,就是士師記17章6節所說的:“那時,以色列中沒有王,各人任意而行”。“沒有王”的意思是以色列沒有標準,他們已經離開了“十___”和摩西律___,違背了耶和___的“約”。他們又拒絕了做他們的“王”?(請參看:士師記17:6; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25。)







在第18章里,能找到任何討神喜悅的事情否?你認為我們天上的天父為什麼把這樣的故事記載在《聖經》裡頭?(參閱羅馬書15:4;哥林多前書4:6;10:6, 11。)

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Judges/07: “Everyone Did as He Saw Fit”  /01

Judges Chapters Seventeen and Eighteen

1. Note: We do not know when the events of Judges 17-21 occurred; perhaps they took place early in the history of Judges. Whatever the case, the events and people recorded in Judges 17-21 are indeed lamentable, just as Judges 17:6 says, “In those days, Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.” “Had no king” means that Israel had no standard, they had forsaken the “Ten C___” and the l___ of Moses, they had violated G___’s “covenant.” They also had rejected G___ as their “king.” (See Judges 17:6; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25.)

2. Judges 17: Micah’s Idol:

Vs. 1-4: List the sins committed by Micah and his mother; there are at least four. 1) Micah s___ his mother’s silver. 2) Micah’s mother uttered a c___ on the thief. 3) His mother misused the name of the Lord or took it in v___. 4) They made (or cast) an i___.

V. 5: Micah did yet other things that violated the Lord’s commands; what did he do?

V. 6: Copy verse six and memorize it.

Vs. 7-13: How does verse six explain verses 7 through 13? For example, 1) Should Levites live in Bethlehem? (Joshua ch. 21 does not say that Levites could live in Bethlehem.) 2) Could a Levite become a priest for just anyone? 3) All this Levite wanted was mo___y. (See Judges 18:4 in the New Chinese Version or the Putonghua Version. [In English, see Judges 18:4 in the NIV.] Was this Levite concerned for the law of God? 4) Did Micah have authority to install a Levite as priest? 5) V. 13: Was Micah’s idea correct or not? No! Everything Micah did was wrong from the beginning, so how could the Lord possibly bless him?!

3. Judges 18: The Danites Did as They Saw Fit:

Read ch. 18, then show how Judges 17:6 explains ch. 18.

In ch. 18, can you find anything at all with which God was pleased? Why do you think our Father in heaven included stories like this in the Bible? (See Romans 15:4; 1 Corinthians 4:6; 10:6, 11.

Bible Study Questions: Judges/07: “Everyone Did as He Saw Fit” /01
Judges 17-18
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.


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