
使用美語-小巷大道:Roads and Lanes

LetsLearnALittleEnglish03 (291 x 453)A brief explanation of the many English words that describe roads, streets and lanes.

1)Highway: Highway 就是公路的意思。有時候是高速公路,但是不一定是高速公路。我家住在納什維爾——Nashville。離我家50公里路是另外一個城市,就是Murfreesboro。從Murfreesboro前往Nashville的那條路就是Nashville Highway。

2)Pike: Pike又是公路的意思,但有時候比highway小一點。一般來說,pike不指高速公路 (more…)


LetsLearnALittleEnglish03 (180 x 280)Uses of the word design:

1-1:設計: Mr. Thomas designs ladies dresses.
他瑪斯 先生設計女裝。

1-2:設計:The actors in the school play were not very good, but the author had designed a very good plot.

1-3 :花樣:Do you like the little designs on Mary’s dress?

2-1:設計:I really like the layout of your house; did you design it yourself?
我很喜歡你房子的隔間;是不是你自己設計的? (more…)

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