
Manna01 (150 x 84)出埃及记第八课:从天而降的粮:出埃及记 16章。

一。出埃及记16:1-3:以色列人已经离开了埃及多久时间?他们向摩西发了___ ___,说,“巴不得,我们早____在埃及”。他们怀念什么地方,什么事情,什么东西?他们忘记了什么更重要之事?请指出在今天的日常生活上,我们与他们有什么相同之处?

二。出埃及记16:4-8:出埃及记16章,下半章,神要开始为以色列人预备“吗哪”。根据4-8节中,神赐“吗哪”给他们是为了什么?是为了__ __他们(4节),并且也是为了让他们知道什么(6-7节)?摩西说: “…你们的怨言不是向__ __发的,而是向__ __ __的”(8节)。

三。出埃及记16:9-12:亚伦向以色列人说话时,“他们向着旷野观望,看见耶和华的__ __在云中显现出来” (10节)。你认为神为什么让以色列人观看他的荣光(荣耀)?这时候(12节),神以什么态度对待以色列人?

四。出埃及记16:12-15:神给以色列人预备哪两种食物?有些《圣经》学者告诉我们,每年鹌鹑迁徙在非洲北部和地中海一带。如果是这样,此事怎么样算是个“神迹”?[s.v. Clyde Woods, Living Way Commentary, Exodus 16:13.] (参看民数记11:4-34。)

五。出埃及记16:12-15, 31:第二种食物是__ __。希伯来语“这是什么?” (15节)发音为“吗哪”,所以“吗哪”二字的意思是“这是什么?”。当以色列人问“这是什么?”此问题时,摩西怎么回答(15节)?请描绘“吗哪”像什么(31节)。

六。出埃及记16:16-30:请述说摩西告诉以色列人有关吗哪的规条。哪些事实和规条证明吗哪是神给以色列人行为40年的神迹?1)以色列人吃吗哪,有一定的时间,从他们离开__ __直到他们__________为止(35节;参看约书亚记5:11-12)。2)除了一天以外,不能把吗哪留到什么时候免得它会坏掉(19, 20, 29节)? 3)哪天是例外(22,23节)?4)每周吗哪才降下几天(26, 29节)? 5)有一点点吗哪被放在法柜前,给后代看(32-34节);此吗哪没有__ __。

七。出埃及记16:16-30:关于吗哪,神颁布了这么多规定是为了让以色列人明白什么?吗哪是耶和华神表达他对以色列人的__ __的方法之一。吗哪的降下也时常提醒以色列人,他们要完完全全地__ __耶和华。可惜,他们时常__ __神的慈爱和恩典。(参看申命记8:1-5。)今天我们是否欣赏和感谢神的恩典和慈爱?在我们日常生活中,神用什么方法表达他的慈爱?

八。出埃及记16:20, 27:有些人违背了摩西所下的规定,犯了两个不同的错,是什么?从神的眼光来看,此事为什么那么严重?

九。出埃及记16:23,26-30:当七日的第七日(我们的星期六),以色列人要做什么(26-30)? 神说,“明天是安息日,是向耶和华守的__ __ __ __”(23)。基督徒要守安息日为圣日吗?不。《圣经》新约教导基督徒要以星期日为“主日”;请参看使徒行传20:7,哥林多前书16:2等。使徒行传2章所描述的教会的建立也是星期日。今天也有人把星期日称呼为“安息日”;但,《圣经》并没有这个说法。(注意:在以后的课程,我们会对此问题有详细的研究。)




Bible Study Questions: Exodus Lesson Eight
Exodus 16: Bread from Heaven

1. Ex. 16:1-3: How long have the Israelites been gone from Egypt? [One month.] They g______ against Moses, saying, “If only we had d_____ by the LORD’S hand in Egypt!” They had nostalgia for what place, what activity and what things? What more important thing did they forget? What about us today is similar to them?
2. Ex. 16:4-8: In the second half of ch. 16, God will begin to provide the Israelites with “manna.” According to vs. 4-8, why did God give them “manna”? It was to t___ them (v. 4), and so they would know what (vs. 6-7)? Moses said, “You are not grumbling against u__, but against the L____.”
3. Ex. 16:9-12: When Aaron spoke to the people, they looked toward the desert and saw “the g____ of the LORD appearing in the cloud” (v. 10). Why do you think the Lord allowed the Israelites to see his glory? What was God’s attitude toward the Israelites at this (v. 12) time?
4. Ex. 16:12-15: What two kinds of food did God prepare for the Israelites? Some Bible scholars tell us that quails migrate annually in the area of North Africa and the Mediterranean. If this is so, what makes this a “miracle”? [See Clyde M. Woods, The Living Way Commentary on Exodus 16:13.] (See also Num. 11:4-34.)
5. Ex. 16:12-15, 31: The second kind of food was m_____. In Hebrew, “What is it?” (v. 15) is pronounced “manna,” so the term “manna” means “What is it?” [See NIV footnote on v. 31.] How did Moses answer when the Israelites asked “What is it?” (v. 15)?
6. Ex. 16:16-30: What regulations did Moses give the Israelites regarding the manna? What indicates (proves) that the manna was a 40-year miracle that God performed for the Israelites? 1) The manna eaten by the Israelites was during a specific time: from when they left E____ until they [arrived where] (v. 35; see also Joshua 5:11-12.) 2) With the exception of one day, they were unable to keep the manna _______, otherwise it would _______ (19, 20, 29). 3) What day was the exception (22, 23)? 4) How many days a week did the manna appear (26, 29)? 5) A small amount of manna was kept in front of the Testimony for future generations (32-34); this manna did not s_____.
7. Ex. 16:16-30: Why did God promulgate these regulations regarding the manna? So the Israelites would do what? Manna was an expression of the l___ that Jehovah God had for the Israelites. Manna also served as a regular reminder to the Israelites that they should completely t____ Jehovah. Too bad however that the Israelites often f_____ God’s love and grace. (See Deut. 8:1-5.) Do we enjoy and are we thankful for God’s grace and love today? How does God express his love to us in our lives today?
8. Ex. 16:20, 27: In what two ways did some people disobey Moses’ regulations? In the eyes of God, why were these actions so important?
9. Ex. 16:26-30: What were the Israelites to do on the sixth day (our Saturday) (26-30)? God said, “Tomorrow is to be a day of rest, a h____ S______ to the LORD” (23). Should Christians keep the Sabbath as a holy day? No. The New Testament teaches Christians to take Sunday as “the Lord’s day;” see Acts 20:7, 1 Cor. 16:2, etc. The church was established on a Sunday (Acts ch. 2). Today, some people refer to Sunday as the Sabbath, but the Bible does not so describe it. (Note: We will study this question in detail later.)
10. God gave manna, but what did the people have to do in order to eat it? As we study the Bible, we often see the principle that God extends his grace to man and man can receive it without cost, but man must do what? Man must believe, accept and obey. There is no contradiction between man’s obedience and God’s grace.
11. Matthew 6:25-34: What did Jesus Christ teach his disciples (us) concerning “tomorrow”? Are we better at accepting his love and grace than the Moses-lead Israelites were? Why do you suppose that God had the Israelites’ history written down and preserved until today for us to read? (See 1 Cor. 10:1-6.) In what remote parts of your heart and life do you need to hear these teachings of Jesus?

出埃及记第八课:从天而降的粮:出埃及记 16章
Bible Study Questions: Exodus Lesson Seven
Exodus 16: Bread from Heaven
作者:谢德华 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
World Christian Broadcasting
Franklin, TN 37067 USA

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