
GodCovenantIsr01 (150 x 68)出埃及记第十课:神与以色列人立约:出埃及记 19章





五。出埃及记19:4:“约”的基础:在短短的一句话里,神描述他为以色列人所作的:“我向埃及人所行的事,你们都看见了,且看见我如___将你们背在___ ___上,带来归___”。在这句话里,哪个字最重要?(出现三次。)以色列人不应该忘记是___把他们接到他的怀抱来。神为以色列人成就了什么大事?(1)把他们从埃及吃苦之地拯___出来;(2)从万国之中把他们分___出来,成为自己的子民。(请背诵第四节。)请把第四节应用在今日基督徒的身上。

六。出埃及记19:5-6:“约”的条件和应许:因为神出面邀请以色列人与他签“约”,而且,神已经为以色列人成就大事,所以神有资格提出“约”的条___。这位伟大的神也有权柄赏赐以色列人(赐给他们应___)。第一个条件是:“你们若是实在听我的___,___ ___我的约”。第一个应许是:“你们就必在万民中作属我的___ ___…”。还有一句话,可以形容为“约”的条件、应许、目标、目的和结果:“你们要___我作___ ___的国度,为____ ____的国民”。请参看新约彼得前书2:5,9之后,把出埃及记19:5应用在今日基督徒的身上。

七。出埃及记19:7-8:以色列人接受此“约”:谁代表群众?“百姓都同声回答说:‘凡耶和华所___的,我们都要___ ___’”。之后,摩西“就将百姓的话回复耶和华”。以此句话,以色列人就接受了神的邀请,他们接受了此“约” ;他们接受了“约”的条件、规定、条例,命令等。以色列人与神立了“约”;他们签了名、盖了章。



十。出埃及记19:16-23:请描绘当时所发生的。 参看申命记4:11-12以及希伯来书12:18-21。所发生的并不是一般的地震;乃是“神降临”的现象。为什么“营中的人民都颤抖” (16节)?摩西自己怎么样(希伯来书12:18-21)?此现象是圣洁的神亲近不洁的人,是无罪的上帝接近有罪的人。



Bible Study Questions: Exodus Lesson Ten
Exodus 19: God Makes a Covenant with Israel

1. Exodus ch. 19 is a very important section of the book of Exodus; it records God’s invitation to Israel to enter into covenant with him.

2. Ex. 19:1-2: How long have the Israelites been gone from Egypt? Where are they at this time?

3. Ex. 19:3-6: God offers the covenant to Israel.

4. Ex. 19:3: Where did Moses go to meet with God? Note: What God told Moses (v. 3) is very much like the “Hebrew parallelism” of Ex. 15: The first half of the statement and the second half mean the same thing: A: “This is what you are to say to the house of Jacob;” B: “what you are to tell the people of Israel.” “Say” and “tell” are equivalent; “house of Jacob” and “people of Israel” are equivalent.

5. Ex. 19:4: The Foundation of the Covenant: In one brief sentence, God describes what he did for the Israelites: “You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on e_____ w____ and brought you to m_____”. What is the most important word in this sentence? (Mentioned three times in one form or another.) The Israelites must not forget that it was G___ who brought them to his chest. What great deeds did God do for Israel? (1) S_____ them from cruel bondage in Egypt; (2) Sep______ them from among all the nations to become his own people. (Please memorize v. 4.) Explain how verse 4 applies to Christians today.

6. Ex. 19:5-6: Conditions and Promises of the Covenant: Since God stepped forward and invited the Israelites to enter into “covenant” with him, and because God did great deeds for the Israelites, therefore God is qualified to set down the cond______ of the covenant. This great God also has the authority to reward the Israelites (to make them pr_______). The first condition is: “Now if you o___ me fully and k____ my covenant.” The first promise is: “then out of all nations you will be my treasured p_______.” There is yet another statement which may be seen as a condition, a promise, a standard, a purpose and a result of the covenant: “you w___ __ for me a kingdom of p_____ and a h____ nation.” Read 1 Peter 2:5, 9 and then apply Ex. 19:5 to Christians today.

7. Ex. 19:7-8: The Israelites Accept the Covenant: Who represented the community? “The people all responded together, “We will d___ everything the LORD has s____.” Then, “Moses brought their answer back to the LORD.” With this statement, the Israelites accepted God’s invitation and they accepted the covenant; they accepted all the conditions, rules, regulations and commandments of the covenant. The Israelites made a covenant with God; they signed their names and chopped it with their stamp.

8. Ex. 19:9: God affirmed Moses as leader, as his spokesman and as the mediator: God told Moses: “I am going to come to you in a dense cloud, so that the people will hear me speaking with you and will always put their trust in you.” In the original Hebrew, the “you” in “put their trust in you” is emphatic [Woods, s.v. Ex. 19:9]. Why would God exalt Moses in the eyes of the Israelites? If the community did not respect Moses, would they respect the words that Moses was about to speak as God’s representative?

9. Ex. 19:10-15: Describe what regulations the Hebrews were to observe in order to “cleanse or purify themselves” [Chinese Union version] (v 10). (The New Chinese version: “set apart”; the Easy-to-Read Chinese version: “cleanse or purify themselves.”) Why were they told “Do not go near a woman”? This was not because sexual intercourse was a sin and not because sexual activity was unholy and impure within itself. In the Bible, sex is God’s creation, so sexual union within marriage is holy and good. However sexual intercourse would render an Israelite ceremonially “unclean.”

10. Ex. 19:16-23: Describe everything that happened. See also Deuteronomy 4:11-112; Hebrews 12:18-21. This is not an ordinary earthquake; rather is an epiphany ( a manifestation of God). Why did everyone in the camp tremble (v. 16)? What did Moses himself do (Hebrews 12:18-21)? This phenomenon was [what happens when] a holy God comes close to impure people, when a sinless God contacts sinful humanity.

11. Ex. 19:21-24: Why did God say, “and many of them perish” and “the LORD will break out against them”? Perhaps God is not referring to the punishment of vs. 12-13 (man punishing man). Rather God is saying that if a sinful human gets too close to the holy God, he will die, or that God would punish him (God punishing man). See 1 Samuel 6:19 and 2 Samuel 6:6-7. From this we know that God is pure and holy. In today’s society, may citizens freely get close to the president? If we get too close to the president or touch him, what will security personnel quickly do? (In God’s sight, a president after all is only a sinner like the rest of us.) If we cannot even freely approach the president, then what about approaching God?

出埃及记第十课:神与以色列人立约:出埃及记 19章
Bible Study Questions: Exodus Lesson Ten
Exodus 19: God Makes a Covenant with Israel
作者:谢德华 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
World Christian Broadcasting
Franklin, TN 37067 USA

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