
Gideon01 (148 x 125)士師記第三課:第四位偉大的士師——基甸:士師記第六章至第八章




11-24節:神的使者如何稱呼基甸?“大能的___ ___啊,耶和華與你___ ___!” 基甸回答說:“主啊,耶和華若與我們同在,我們何至___ ___這一切事呢?”使者給基甸什麼任務和責任?耶和華給基甸什麼諾言?“我與你___ ___,你就必擊打米甸人,如擊打___ ___一樣”。基甸表示不信神,說:“求你給我一個___ ___”。結果如何?


33-40節:約阿施說了一句智慧話,他說,如果巴力是神,讓巴力自己為自己___ ___。
今天,基督徒應該向神禱告,但是應不應該向神要求徵兆?(請參看馬太福音4:5-7; 12:38-42; 哥林多後書5:7。參看瑪拉基書3:10。)



8-15節:耶和華知道基甸還是很害怕,所以神讓基甸聽到什麼話使得他剛強起來?“基甸聽見這夢和夢的講解,就___ ___神”。此句話讓我們得知基甸對神的信心越來越怎麼樣?





4-21節:在這段記載,我們看得出以色列人(以色列的眾支派)並不團結,眾人不都把基甸認為領袖。請述說,當基甸和他的三百位都睏乏無力時,疏割人的首領並毗努伊勒人怎麼樣對待他們?悲慘的結局如何?請背誦第21節的一句名話:“___如何,___ ___也是如何”,但,必要注意上下文。



24-26節:基甸求他們什麼事?雖然基甸如此做不算“罪”,但是這件事情的含義也許是(對他的未來而言)基甸不完全相信、依賴、信靠耶和華。基甸用此耳環等製造了什麼東西?以弗得本來是給誰穿?是用來做什麼?(參看出埃及記28:6-30; 39:1-26; 利未記8:7。)我們不知道基甸是否想要穿上以弗得,在神的面前當祭司,但是他沒有資格這樣做;如果他如此做,的確是個罪。


28-35節:“基甸還在的日子,國中太平___年”。以色列人不向耶和華感恩,不向基甸致謝。這一代的以色列人和他們的祖先沒有兩樣。“基甸死後,以色列人又去隨從諸___ ___行___ ___,以巴力比利土為他們的神。以色列人不記念耶和華他們的神,就是拯救他們脫離四圍仇敵之手的,也不照著…基甸向他們所施的恩惠厚待他的家”。



Judges/03: Gideon
Judges chapters 6-8

The fourth great judge: Gideon:


Vs. 1-10: Tell how the Midianites treated the Israelites.

Vs. 7-10: What did the unnamed prophet say to Israel?

Vs. 11-24: How did God’s messenger refer to Gideon? “The LORD is with you, m___ w___.” Gideon replied, “”But sir, if the LORD is with us, why has all this h___ to us?” What mission and responsibility did the messenger give Gideon? What promise did the LORD make to Gideon? “I will be w___ you, and you will strike down all the Midianites t___” Gideon expressed doubt in God and said, “Give me a s___.” Then what happened? Note: Who appeared to Gideon? In v. 11, the messenger is called an “angel of the LORD,” but in v. 16 he is “the LORD”; in v. 18 he is called “LORD” [different word in Chinese], and in v. 20 he is termed “the angel of God.” These four different terms certainly all refer to the same Being; that Being is the God of heaven. In other words, it seems that the God of heaven (Jehovah) appeared to Gideon.

Vs. 25-32: That night, what did God tell Gideon to do? Did he do it? What was the reaction of the townsmen?

Vs.33-40: Gideon made a wise statement when he said that if Baal is a god, let Baal himself c___ for himself. After Gideon mustered the men to go to war, Gideon asked God for a sign; what was it? Gideon’s request indicated that his faith in God was ___. What was the second sign? Today, Christians should pray to God but should we ask for signs? (See Matthew 4:5-7; 12:38-42; 2 Corinthians 5:7. See also Malachi 3:10.)


Vs. 1-8: Tell in detail how Gideon reduced the number of men to 300. Why did God want Gideon to reduce the number of men? God wanted Gideon to understand that it was G___ who enabled him to defeat the Midianites and not Gideon h___.

Vs. 8-15: God knew that Gideon was still afraid, so God allowed Gideon to gain courage by hearing what said? “When Gideon heard the dream and its interpretation, he w___ God.” From this sentence we know that Gideon’s faith is getting s___.

Vs. 15-25: Explain Gideon’s simple yet wise battle strategy; how did these 300 untrained men win this battle?

3. Judges 8: GIDEON: GOOD AND BAD:

In ch. eight we see Gideon’s wisdom, and leadership ability, but also his weakness. From this chapter we learn that a wise person does not always allow his wisdom to influence him his entire life.

Vs. 1-3: (Please read ch. 7, vs. 24-25.) What were Ephraimites angry about? What wise answer did Gideon give them that calmed them down? Why do I say that his reply was wise? (See Proverbs 15:1.)

Vs. 4-21: In this section we see that the Israelites ( the tribes) were not united and that not all of the people accepted Gideon as their leader. Describe how the officials of Succoth and Peniel treated Gideon and his 300 men when they were tired and weak. What was the tragic outcome? Memorize the famous statement in v. 21 but note the context in which it is said: “As is the man, so is his strength.”


Vs. 22-23: Gideon is Israel’s judge and leader but he had no plan to establish a kingship and allow the people to crown him king. Was Gideon’s way of thinking in keeping with God’s will? Gideon knew well that the “King” of Israel was whom?

Vs. 24-26: For what did Gideon ask? Even though what Gideon did was not a “sin,” however perhaps this action indicated that (regarding his future) Gideon did not completely believe, trust in and rely on Jehovah God. Gideon used the earrings etc to make a (what)? Originally the ephod was to be worn by whom and for what purpose? (See Exodus 28:6-30; 39:1-26; Leviticus 8:7.) We do not know whether Gideon intended to wear the ephod and serve as a priest or not; but if he did, it certainly was a sin.

Vs. 27 is beyond comprehension! “Gideon made the gold into an ephod, which he placed in Ophrah, his town. All Israel prostituted themselves by w___ it there, and it became a snare to Gideon and his family.” It is unfortunate that in his old age, Gideon allowed nineteen kilograms of gold to become his stumbling stone. The New Testament affirms Gideon as a man of faith and faithfulness however (Hebrews 11:32).

Vs. 28-35: “During Gideon’s lifetime, the land enjoyed peace f___ years” The Israelites thanked neither God nor Gideon; this generation of Israelites was no different from their ancestors. “No sooner had Gideon died than the Israelites again p___ themselves to the B___. They set up Baal-Berith as their god and did not remember the LORD their God, who had rescued them from the hands of all their enemies on every side. They also failed to show kindness to the family of… Gideon for all the good things he had done for them.” Write some things you have learned from the story of Gideon.

Bible Study Questions: Judges/03: Gideon
Judges 6-8
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.

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