使用美語-Department Stores in the USA

LetsLearnALittleEnglish01 (288 x 360)


1) Walmart provides Americans with inexpensive products.
2) Walmart imports many items of daily use from China.
沃爾瑪 進口許多中國做的日用品。
3) The founder of Walmart was Mr. Sam Walton.
沃爾瑪的創辦人是Sam Walton先生。
4) In department stores, everything is for sale. The gospel of Jesus, however, is always free.

1) Walmart has stores in 28 countries.
2) Target is a well-known chain of department stores in the USA.
3) One of JC Penny’s house brands (labels) is St. John’s Bay.
JC Penny商店自家的廠牌之一叫做 St. John’s Bay.
4) Everything in department stores has a price tag, but the gospel of Jesus is priceless.

1) Walmart, Target, JC Penney and Macy’s are all famous department chains in the USA.
在美國,Walmart沃爾瑪、Target目標商店、JC Penney以及Macy’s梅西都是很出名的連鎖店(連鎖百貨公司)。
2) Macy’s is a large department store in New York.
3) Macy’s has stores in many American cities.
4) The founder of Walmart was Mr. Sam Walton but Jesus established the church.
沃爾瑪的創辦人是Sam Walton先生,而耶穌建立了教會。

1) Some items in department stores are poorly made but others are well made. Cheap items are not necessarily worse than expensive items.
2) It appears that all Target stores are very clean.
3) The billfold that I bought at a Target store is very durable. It has already lasted me over ten years.
4) The purpose of department stores is to make money; the purpose of the church is to save souls.

Written and recorded by Edward Short
Photo of bird also by Edward Short


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