

YouAreLoved07 (252 x 208)一个小女孩刚听完一位演讲者对“神还活着吗?”这个问题进行的发言。临睡前她在床边祷告说,“求你了,神啊,你别死,因为如果你死了,我们就全完蛋了。”她说的没错,不是吗?我们虽然无法总是看到神如何在我们的生活中做工,但是我们可以信任他。我们无法总是看得出神正在将我们引向哪里,或者悟出他希望我们得到什么样的教训,但是我们可以一直信靠神。当我们感到无助绝望时,他赐给我们希望。神给了我们一个应许,使得我们以另一种不同的方式来看待一切的事。这应许记载在圣经新约中,“我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱上帝的人得益处”(罗马书 8:28)。虽然我们遇到的事情并非全都是好的,但是神会在我们生活中的一切事上做他的工。就像那位小女孩祷告的那样,要是神没有这样做,我们就全完蛋了。

作者: Andy Baker
译者: Wang Jing
播音: Edward Short

 Sweet Hour of Prayer / 16

The little girl had just heard a speaker present a speech to answer the question, “Is God dead?” When she said her bedtime prayers, she prayed, “And please, God, don’t die, because if you do, we are all sunk.” That really is true isn’t it? We cannot always see how He is working in our lives, but we can trust Him. We cannot always see where He is leading us, or all the lessons that he wants us to learn, but we can always trust Him. When we feel helpless and hopeless, he gives us hope. God has given us a promise that can give us a different way of looking at everything. The promise comes out of the New Testament part of the Bible, “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God” (Romans 8:28). Not everything that happens is good, but God works in all the events of our lives. Like the little girl prayed, if He didn’t, we would all be sunk.

Sweet Hour of Prayer /16
Author: Andy Baker
Translator: Wang Jing
Audio version: Edward Short

生命之光广播电台 © 2022