
Samson01 (150 x 118)士師記第六課:參孫士師:士師記第十二章至第十六章





6-7節:“因為這孩子從出___一直到___,必歸神作拿___ ___人”。




24-25節:“後來婦人生了一個兒子,給他起名叫___ ___。孩子長大,耶和華___ ___與他。在瑪哈尼但,就是瑣拉和以實陶中間,耶和華的靈才___ ___他”。


1-2節:非利士人是眾迦南民族之一,但他們不算迦南原始居民。(在歷史上的某時候非利士人從別的地方進入了迦南征服了海岸之地。)你認為,神是否不要猶太人與非利士人結婚?(參看出埃及記34:11, 15, 16;申命記7:1-4;士師記3:5-6。)


















大利拉如何說服參孫把他的“秘密”告訴她?參孫告訴大利拉何事?參孫的力氣什麼時候就離開了他?當大利拉叫人來為參孫___ ___。這位“出胎就歸神作拿細耳人”的參孫,已經違背了什麼規條?(參看士師記13:5及16:17。)








Judges/06: Sampson
Judges Chapters Twelve through Sixteen


(Note: “Famous” and “great” are not synonyms.) V. 1: Once again we see in Israelite history a pattern or cycle.

Vs. 2-25: The birth of Samson was very unusual; list several examples.

Vs. 4-5: What is the definition and regulations of “a Nazirite, set apart to God from birth”? (See Numbers 6:1-21.) What did the messenger demand of Manoah’s wife? 1) Don’t drink any w___ or other f___ drink; 2) Don’t eat anything that is unc___; 3) Don’t use a r___ on Samson’s h___. Why?

Vs. 6-7: “…because the boy will be a N___ of God from b___ until the day of his d___.”

Vs. 8-16: Did God’s messenger allow Manoah and his wife to prepare food for him and to offer sacrifice to him?

Vs. 17-18: What was the name of the angel?

Vs. 18-21: How did the angel of Jehovah take leave of these people?

Vs. 24-25: “The woman gave birth to a boy and named him S___. He grew and the LORD b___ him,25 and the Spirit of the LORD began to s____ him while he was in Mahaneh Dan, between Zorah and Eshtaol.”

2. Judges 14: Samson Falls in Love:

Vs. 1-2: The Philistines were an ethnic group that lived in Canaan, but they were not really Canaanites. (At some point in history they had moved to Canaan from another area and conquered the coastal area.) In your opinion, did God want the Israelites to inner-marry with the Philistines? (See Exodus 34:11, 15, 16; Deuteronomy 7:1-4; Judges 3:5-6.)

Vs. 1-3: Samson asked his parents to prepare a wedding. He wanted to marry a woman from what people? What did his parents say about this?

V. 4: Samson’s parents did not realize that this was from whom? (However, did God want Samson to break his Nazarite regulations?) Explain the role of a lion in Judges 14.

In Judges 14 we already see: 1) Samson’s physical strength (he k___ a lion); 2) Samson’s weakness (w___n); 3) Samson’s intelligence (he wrote a ri___e); 4) Samson’s quick temper (in anger he killed ___ people). Why did Samson explain the riddle to the woman? Memorize Samson’s famous riddle: “Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet.” Memorize Samson’s response to the Philistines, also famous: “If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have solved my riddle.”

V. 20: Finally, the woman (what). Note: In Judges 14, are we already able to see that Samson’s “life story” will symbolize the “spiritual life” of the Israelites? Samson did not want to marry an Israelite woman; he chased the Philistine women in the same way that the Israelites rejected the love and grace of Jehovah God and chased the false gods of paganism.

3. Judges 15: Samson’s Revenge:

Vs. 1-8: Why did Samson want revenge? How did he get revenge? How did the Philistines retaliate? What then did Samson do toward the Philistines? In all this we see how useful retaliation is, don’t we?

Vs. 9-17: Who finally committed Samson into the hands of the Philistines? Why? What was Samson’s response? How many Philistines did Samson kill?

Vs. 18-20: How many years did Samson judge Israel?

4. Judges 16: Samson and Delilah: Samson was very strong physically but his moral standard was very l___.

Vs. 2-3: Tell all about Samson and the city gates.

Vs. 4-22: Describe in detail the “love story” between Samson and Delilah. The first time that Delilah asked to know the secret of his strength, what should Samson have done? 1) Should have told Delilah that he would not discuss this question and tell her to mind her own business. 2) He should have run away and not returned. Samson still had his eyes but he was already blind; he could not see that this woman wanted nothing else but to sell him out. Samson, however, thought it a game; he though he could not fall. (He was wrong!) (Today, if someone asks us something we do not want to answer or we should not answer, what should we do?) How did Delilah convince Samson to tell her his “secret.” When did Samson’s strength leave him? It was when Delilah had someone do what to him? So, Samson, the man “set apart to God from birth,” has now broken what regulation? (See Judges 13:5 and 16:17.) From this we know that Samson “trained” his body but did not “train” his moral self or his soul. Samson pulled down the entire city gate and carried it on his shoulders, but against the nagging of Delilah he had no power. God gave him strength beyond that of a normal human but Samson did not appreciate it and he misused it.

V. 21: How did the Philistines get their revenge? They made Samson b_____. V. 22: The Philistines did not pay attention to one thing; what was it?

Vs. 23-31: How did Samson happen to be present when the Philistines offered a great sacrifice to their god, Dagon? For what did Samson pray and ask God? What was the result?

Memorize verse 30: “Let me die with the Philistines!… Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived.” How many years did Samson judge Israel? Samson’s life was a tragedy. Here is a question: Is it true that had Samson not ever been immoral, had he not chased after the Philistine women, had he not sought retaliation, then he would not have been able to kill so many Philistines. Do you agree with this viewpoint? Why? (Hint: Was it necessary for Samson to sin and live a life of immorality and foolishness in order for an omnipotent God to defeat the Philistines? Was that the only way?)

What lessons do you learn from Samson?

Bible Study Questions: Judges/06: Samson
Judges 12-16
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.

生命之光廣播電台 © 2022