
Joseph07 (150 x 94)創世記45-50章

一. 請背誦創世記四十五章5節及7節。

和合本:45:5:現在,不要因為把我賣到這裡自憂自恨,這是神差我在你們以先來,為要保全生命。… 7:神差我在你們以先來,為要給你們存留余種在世上,又要大施拯救,保全你們的生命。

新譯本:現在你們不要因為把我賣到這裡來,而自憂自責。這原是上帝差派我在你們以先來這裡,為要保全性命。… 7 上帝差派我在你們以先來這裡,為要給你們在地上留下余種,大大施行拯救,保全你們的性命。

普通話本:你們不要為這件事憂慮和自責。是上帝差遣我先到這裡來,為的是拯救大家的性。 …7 上帝差我先到這裡來,就是要保全大地上一些人的性命,用這種奇異的方法拯救你們。

二. 請說明約瑟對以下的人和事情的看法和解釋:


三. 我們認為約瑟贈送禮品給父親是理所當然地,但是,約瑟為什麼送禮物給兄弟們(45:21-24)?

四. 約瑟為什麼告訴兄弟們說:“你們在路上不要爭吵”(45:24)?

五. 雅各聽到好消息說,“約瑟還活着,並他是埃及的首相!”請描述雅各對此信息的反應。你認為兄弟們有沒有把所有的實情告訴老父親,在父親面前認罪悔改?(參看49:23-24; 50:16-17。)

六. 雅各素來做什麼事情?(參看創世記31:54; 32:9-12; 33:20; 35:7; 35:14; 46:1; 47:31。) 為什麼?

七. 神為什麼對以色列(雅各)說話(46:2-4)?神向以色列說了什麼話?神是否很久沒有與雅各說話?(好象是沒有,但是我們不知道。)神為什麼在這時候要向雅各說話?神為什麼早沒有告訴雅各有關約瑟的真情?為什麼沒有讓雅各知道他的愛子還活着?

八. 請列下雅各(以色列)十二個兒子的名字(46:8-25)。

九. 總共,雅各、約瑟全家幾口(46:26-27)?在新約的使徒行傳7:14,司提反說總共有75位;差別在哪裡?

十. 請用自己的想象力述說約瑟和他父親雅各(以色列)見面的情況(46:28-30)。

十一. 指出當時埃及人的文化特點(46:31-34)。

十二. 雅各為什麼給法老王祝福,而不是法老王給雅各賜福(47:7-10)?當時,雅各幾歲?

十三. 創世記47:21:不同譯本有不同的翻譯,如下:“至於人民,約瑟把他們遷到城市裡去”(“約瑟把他們遷到城市裡去” 有古卷及古譯本作:“使他們成了奴僕”)。請說明,約瑟怎樣才能使得埃及百姓成為法老王的奴僕。

十四. 哪些人不必把他們的地賣給法老王?為什麼?

十五. 埃及老百姓要給法老王納多少稅(47:24)?

十六. 遷到埃及後,以色列人做了些什麼(47:27)?

十七. 雅各叫約瑟答應他什麼事情(47:28-31; 49:29-32)?此要求表明以色列(雅各)明白天上的神賜給他什麼?雅各逝世時歲數有多大?

十八. 雅各告訴約瑟什麼重要的事情(48:1-7)?約瑟的兩個兒子被改為是誰的兒子?說明以色列如何祝福了這兩個孩子。在以後的歷史,這個祝福有沒有變為事實?

十九. 創世記49章:談談有關雅各給十二個兒子的祝福。哪些祝福比較好聽?哪些祝福不好聽?為什麼會有這麼大的區別?

以下的“祝福”都是什麼意思?請清楚地指出每一個“祝福” 1)是怎樣說的;2)是向哪個兒子說的;3)是什麼事情或什麼意思。(請注意所說的“祝福”並不一定是“福”。)

3節: 因為你上了你父親的床,污穢了我的…

6節: 因為他們趁怒殺害人命…

10節: 權杖必不離開猶大,王圭必不離他兩腳之間,直到細羅(“細羅”古譯本作“屬他的那位”)來到,萬族都要臣服他

23節: 弓箭手把他苦害,向他射箭敵對他…

24節: 但他的弓依然堅硬,他的手臂仍舊敏捷…

二十. 創世記50章:述說以色列逝世並埋葬的情況。

二十一. 您認為創世記50:16-17是真實的呢?還是兄弟們因為害怕約瑟會報仇,所以他們就捏造這些話?兄弟們害怕到什麼程度(18)?請背誦創世記50:19-21:約瑟對他們說:“你們不要害怕,我怎能代替上帝呢?20從前你們有意要害我,但上帝有美好的意思在其中,為要成就今日的光景,使許多人的性命得以保全。21現在你們不要害怕,我必供養你們和你們的孩子”。於是約瑟用仁慈的話安慰他們。

二十二. 約瑟告訴他的兄弟們什麼事情(50:24-25)?約瑟幾歲才死?___。

二十三. 當學習約瑟的生平時,你做自己的生命有沒有因此而改變?請指出幾樣告知大家!


Joseph (5)
Genesis 45-50

1. Memorize Genesis 45:5, 7). [Three Chinese versions are quoted in the text above.]

The English NIV says: 5 And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. …7 But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.

2.What was Joseph’s attitude toward the following:

1) His brother’s selling him
2) God
3) Benjamin
4) Famine

3. It was normal for Joseph to send gifts to his father, but why did he give gifts to his brothers?

4. Why did Joseph tell his brothers “Don’t quarrel on the way” (45:24)?

5. Jacob was told the good news that Jacob was still alive and was ruler of Egypt. What was Jacob’s reaction? Do you think the brothers told their father the whole story and expressed repentance? (See Genesis 49:23-24; 50:16-17).

6. What did Jacob often do? (See Genesis 31:54; 32:9-12; 33:20; 35:7, 17; 46:1.) Why?

7. Why did God speak to Israel (Jacob) (Genesis 46:2-4)? What did God tell him? Had it been a long time since God had spoken to Jacob? (It seems so, but we do not know for sure.) Why did God speak to Jacob at this time? Why did God not tell Jacob early on about Joseph’s situation and let him know that his beloved son was still alive?

8. List the twelve sons of Jacob (46:8-25).

9. All together, how many people were in the family of Jacob and Joseph (46:26-27)? In Acts 7:14, Stephen said there were seventy-five people; why the difference?

10. Envision and then describe the meeting between Joseph and his father Jacob (Israel) (46:28-30).

11. What was a culturally distinctive about the Egyptians (46:31-34)?

12. Why did Jacob bless Pharaoh instead of Pharaoh blessing Jacob (47:7-10)? How old was Jacob at this time?

13. Genesis 47:21: Different translations render this differently, such as: Joseph reduced the people to servitude and Joseph moved the people into cities. Explain how Joseph turned the people into Pharaoh’s servants.

14. What group of people did not need to sell their land to Pharaoh? Why?

15. How much tax did the people pay?

16. What did the Israelites do after they moved to Egypt(47:27)?

17. What did Jacob make Joseph promise him (47:28-31; 49:29-32)? This request indicated that Israel (Jacob) knew that God had given him what? How old was Jacob when he died?

18. What important thing did Jacob tell Joseph (48:1-7)? Joseph’s two sons became whose? How did Israel bless these two children?

19. Genesis 49: Discuss the blessings Jacob gave his sons. Which blessings sound better/worse? Why so much difference?

Explain the meaning of the “blessings” in verses 3, 6, 10, 23 and 24. (Note that “blessing” does not always mean something good!)

20. Genesis 50: Describe the death and burial of Israel.

21. Are the words in Genesis 50:16-17 true or a fabrication due to the brothers’ fear? How fearful were they (v. 18)? Memorize Genesis 50:16-17.

22. What did Joseph tell his brothers (Genesis 50:24-25)? How old was Joseph when he died?

23. Has your life changed any while studying about Joseph? Give examples.

Bible Study Questions: Joseph (5)
Genesis 45-50
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
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Rev. 2016.9.12.

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