
Pharaoh03SonDead (160 x 99)出埃及記第五課:逾越節和代贖:出埃及記 11:1-13:16

一。出埃及記11:1-10;12:29-36:第十個災難:頭胎之死。請詳細地描述第十個災難。當天晚上,哪些埃及人家庭沒有預見死亡(12:29-30)?法老第一個反應是什麼(12:31-32)?以色列人怎麼 能夠把埃及人的財富都帶走(11:2-3;12:35-36)?神在出埃及記3:21-22已經 __ __了此事。

二。出埃及記12:1-28:逾越節。以色列人使用兩個不同的月曆,就是宗教日曆和農事日曆。此“正月”是Abib,後來叫做Nisan,等於我們今天陽曆的三月或四月。請描述希伯來人要選什麼樣的羊羔為逾越節所用(12:2-6)。描述希伯來人要怎麼樣吃此羊羔(12:8-11,14-20,24-28)。為什麼?逾越節的晚餐叫做__ __ 節(17)。他們要過無酵節幾天(12:15, 19)?逾越節和無酵節記念什麼事情?神期望每年孩子們要問什麼問題(26)?因此,每當猶太人過逾越節和無酵節,他們有很好的機會跟家人__ __他們民族的__ __。(參看出埃及記13:1-16。)





六。希伯來人見到耶和華神所作的之後,他們的反應是什麼(12:27)?法老王見到耶和華神所作的之後,他的反應是什麼(12:31, 32)?法老請求摩西為他做什麼(12:32下)?埃及人見到耶和華神所作的之後,他們的反應是什麼(12:33-36)?(之前,關於此事,神早說了什麼?參看創世記15:14;出埃及記3:21-22;11:2-3。)法老王醒悟過來,發現他已經釋放了他的奴僕之後,他的反應是什麼(14:5-9)?

七。出埃及記12:37-38(參看出埃及記38:26):你認為希伯來人總數大約幾口?希伯來人在埃及居住幾年(12:40-42, 51)?(參看使徒行傳7:6。)

八。出埃及記13:1-16:請解釋清楚神對“頭生的”、“長子”、“頭胎”之觀點。誰是神的長子(出埃及記4:22)?第十個災難時,神救了猶太人中,每___ ___的生命。因此,猶太人中,每位為___ ___的都屬於神,所以神規定猶太人都要“把所有頭生的都分別為___歸___”(出埃及記13:2)。(注意:此句指男人而言。普通話本翻為:“你們要把以色列人所有頭胎所生的雄性,包括以色列人的長子和牲畜的頭胎,都奉獻給我;他們屬於我。” )今天,基督徒是“…有名字登記在天上眾___ ___的教會…”(希伯來書12:23)。因為基督徒被稱為“長子”,所以我們要把自己“分別為___歸___”。


十。出埃及記13:1-16:請解釋清楚13:2, 12-13:“…凡頭生的驢,你要用羊羔代贖…”——猶太人為什麼可以“代贖”頭生的驢?為什麼可以選擇不代贖驢?為什麼必定代贖長子?猶太人時常獻祭給神。如果是動物,都是“死”祭。今天,基督徒要獻“活祭”給神,就是說要把____ ____獻上(羅馬書12:1)。請問:您是否已把你的頭胎“分別為聖歸神”?您是否已把自己“分別為聖歸神”?



Exodus Lesson Five: Passover and Redemption
Exodus 11:1-13:16

1. Ex. 11:1-10; 12:29-36: Plague Ten: Death of the Firstborn: Describe the tenth plague. Which Egyptian homes did not see death that night(12:29-30)? What was Pharaoh’s first reaction (12:31-32)? How were the Israelites able to take with them the Egyptians’ valuables (11:2-3; 12:35-36)? God had already p_____ this in Exodus 3:21-22.

2. Ex. 12:1-28: The Passover. The Israelites used two different calendars: religious and agricultural. The first month was Abib which later was known as Nisan and was about the time of our March and April. Describe what kind of lamb the Hebrews were to select for Passover (12:2-6). Describe how the Hebrews were to eat the lamb (12:8-11, 14-20, 24-28). Why? The Passover meal was also known as the Feast of (17) U____ B__. For how many days were they to celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread (12:15, 19)? What event did the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread commemorate? What did God expect the children to ask each year (26)? This gave the Israelites a good opportunity to r_____ the h____ of their people with their families. (See Ex. 13:1-16.)

3. Do Christians celebrate the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread? Why or why not?

4. Ex.12:1-30: What should the Hebrews do so their first born would not die? Additionally, what other regulations and commandments did God give the Israelites (12:21-23, 43-49)?

5. List the words used to indicate who killed the Egyptian firstborn: Ex. 11:4_____; 12:12_____; 12:23_____ and _____; 12:29_____; Heb. 11:28_____. (Compare several new translations.)

6. How did the Hebrews react after they saw all that Jehovah God did (12:27)? How did the Pharaoh react after he saw all that Jehovah God did (12:31, 32)? What did Pharaoh ask Moses to do for him (12:32)? How did the Egyptians react after they saw all that Jehovah God did (12:33-36)? (What had God already said regarding this? See Gen. 15:14; Ex. 3:21-22; 11:2-3.) How did Pharaoh react after he came to himself and realized that he had freed his slaves (14:5-9)?

7. Ex. 12:37-38 (See also Ex. 38:26): What do you think the total number of Hebrews was? ____________ Ex. 12:40-42, 51: How long were the Hebrews in Egypt? ____

8. Ex. 13:1-16: Explain clearly how God viewed “the firstborn.” Who was God’s “firstborn” son (Ex. 4:22)? During the tenth plague, God saved the life of each Israelite f______. Consequently, the f______ of all Israelites belonged to God. God stipulated that the Israelites should “c____ to m___ every firstborn male” (Ex. 13:2). (The WBTC translation is also given; it indicates that Ex. 13:2 refers to males.) Today, Christians are “…the church of the f_____, whose names are written in heaven…” (Heb. 12:23). Since Christians are called the “firstborn,” we should “c______” ourselves “to G___.”

9. Ex. 13:1-16: Why should they “eat nothing containing yeast” (3-8)? What does vs. 9 emphasize? (Verse 9 is the background of what Jesus said in Matthew 23:5 re. the teachers of the law and the Pharisees: “They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long.”)

10. Ex. 13:1-16: Please explain clearly the meaning of 13:2, 12-13. Why could the Israelites “redeem” a donkey? Why could they choose not to redeem the donkey? Why must they redeem their firstborn sons? The Israelites often made sacrifices to God. If the sacrifice was an animal it was a “dead” sacrifice. Today, Christians are to sacrifice “living sacrifices” to God; Christians are to sacrifice t____ (Rom. 12:1). Questions: Have you consecrated your firstborn child to God? Have you consecrated yourself to God?

出埃及記第五課:逾越節和代贖:出埃及記 11:1-13:16
Bible Study Questions: Exodus Lesson Five
Exodus 11:1-13:16: Passover and Redemption
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.
World Christian Broadcasting
Franklin, TN 37067 USA


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