
BaptismP18 (200 x 117)歷史上有名的基督徒中,很難找到一位比得上第一世紀的保羅。保羅原來名叫掃羅,但是成為基督徒後,大家叫他保羅。保羅還沒成為基督徒以前,他逼迫基督徒,甚至於,一位名叫司提反的基督徒被打死時,保羅也參與此謀殺罪。多年後,這位保羅年老的時候,回想他成為基督徒以前的行為,形容自己逼迫基督徒如下:“我從前是褻瀆神的,逼迫人的,侮慢人的…”(提摩太前書 1:13)。

保羅成為基督徒的過程,包括耶穌基督親自向保羅顯現,證明他真復活了,證明他真是上帝的兒子。保羅不知道向他顯現的是誰,就問他說:“主阿,你是誰?”耶穌對保羅說:“我就是你所逼迫的拿撒勒人耶穌”(使徒行傳9章)。保羅又問:“主阿,我當作什麼?”(使徒行傳 22:10)。主說,“起來,進大馬色去,在那裡要將所派你作的一切事,告訴你。”有三天的時間保羅不能看見,他也不吃,也不喝,但是保羅心裡經過180度的轉變。保羅決定成為耶穌的門徒。當時主差遣一位名叫亞拿尼亞的基督徒,去看保羅,告訴他,他是上帝“所揀選的器皿,要在外邦人和君王並以色列人面前,宣揚我[上帝]的名。”最後,亞拿尼亞吩咐保羅說,“現在你為什麼要耽延呢?起來!求告他的名受洗,洗去你的罪”(使徒行傳 22:16)。保羅馬上就按照亞拿尼亞的吩咐而受了洗。




“Baptism” 13: Take Paul as Your Example
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short

Take Paul as Your Example
Acts 22:16

It would be difficult to find anywhere in history another Christian that would compare with the apostle Paul. Originally, Paul was known as Saul, but after he became a Christian everyone called him Paul. Before he became a follower of Jesus, Paul persecuted Christians. In fact, when a Christian named Stephen was stoned to death, Paul took part in the murder. Many years later, when Paul was an elderly person, he reflected on his pre-Christian life, and described himself in this way: “Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man…” (1 Timothy 1:13).

In the process of becoming a Christian, Jesus Christ appeared to Paul and proved that he had been raised from the dead and thus was the Son of God. Paul didn’t know who it was that appeared to him, so he asked, “Who are you, Lord?” Jesus replied, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting” (Acts chapter 9). Paul asked, “What shall I do, Lord?” (Acts 22:10). Jesus said, “Get up, and go into Damascus. There you will be told all that you have been assigned to do.” For three days, Paul was unable to see, nor did he eat or drink anything. During this time, however, he made a 180 degree change of life! He determined to become a Christian! Just at this time, the Lord sent to Paul a disciple whose name was Ananias. Ananias told Paul that he was God’s “chosen instrument to carry [God’s] name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel.” Finally, Ananias told Paul, “And now, what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name” (Acts 22:16). Paul then quickly heeded Ananias’ instruction and was baptized.

Today I’m asking you to look closely at one of the things Ananias said: “And now, what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.” Pay special attention to the words, “…be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.” Ananias told Paul to “call on the name of the Lord,” and Ananias told Paul precisely how to do that; he said, “…be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.” From this we know that baptism is the way that the Lord Jesus has determined for us to call on his name, to accept his grace and to receive salvation.

Ananias didn’t tell Paul to climb a mountain, pay money, memorize Scripture or perform meritorious works. He told Paul to be baptized. It’s obvious that Paul had already come to belief in Jesus as the Son of God and the resurrected Savior. Paul was deeply sorry that he had persecuted Christians and he repented of all his sins. Finally then, Ananias told Paul, “And now, what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.”

Today, if you also believe that Jesus is the Son of God, you should do as Paul did and repent of all misdeeds. Then follow Paul’s example, “And… be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.”

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