





“Baptism” 04: United with Christ
作者:謝德華 ©By Edward Short

United With Christ
Romans 6:5

One aspect of English that makes it a unique language is the use of synonyms. Unite, combine, integrate, link and ally all have similar meanings. Think about marriage, for example. When we married, my wife and I were “united” in matrimony and we were “linked” together. We were determined to establish a happy and harmonious home, so we “integrated” with each other; we “combined” and “united” our minds, purposes and lives.

The Bible uses similar wording to describe the relationship between a Christian and Jesus Christ; the Bible says that a Christian is to be “united” with Christ.

And how is a person united with Christ? When does someone begin such a relationship with Jesus Christ? The answer is found in Romans chapter six, verse five, which tells us that it’s in baptism that a believer is united with Christ. The apostle Paul says, “If we have been united with him like this in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection” [NIV].

When a person is baptized, he symbolizes the burial and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus was nailed to the cross and then buried in a tomb but was raised on the third day. When a person enters the water of baptism, he is buried with Jesus in a symbolic way. His burial with Jesus beneath the water is but less than a second, yet it carries deep meaning. When he comes up from the water, the person symbolizes his resurrection with Jesus. In that very brief period of time he’s “united with [Jesus] like this in his death.” In this brief moment, the person becomes a Christian. He’s united, allied, combined, integrated and linked with Jesus Christ.

Now you understand why baptism is so important to Christians. Don’t you too want to be united with Christ, to be allied and linked with the Son of God? Be baptized into Christ and thus be united with him and become his disciple.



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