
Baker_Andy_2007 (300 x 450)怕黑


作者: Andy Baker
譯者: Wang Jing
播音: Edward Short


Do you get afraid at night when it becomes dark outside? Do your small children become frightened at night when they must go to bed and it is very dark? I remember many nights when my daughter would come to my side of the bed carrying two or three dolls or teddy bears that she would sleep with and want a human with skin on them to come and give her relief from the scary darkness. Darkness can also be felt during times of illness or times of discouragement. When a marriage is in trouble or when parents have trouble with their children, it can feel pretty dark. When our parents get older and not as healthy, it can seem like a dark shadow is always hanging over us. When there are threats where we live, it can be very chilling. I wish you and I could set down together and talk for a while today. I would love to pray with you in person about the darkness that may be hovering around you. I too have dark days that I need to bring to God in prayer. What better thing could we do than pause and pray about the things that seem dark around us.

Sweet Hour of Prayer / 34
Author: Andy Baker
Translator: Wang Jing
Audio version: Edward Short

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