
苦难使得祷告更为容易YouAreLoved02 (222 x 238)


作者: Andy Baker
译者: Wang Jing
播音: Edward Short


It is easier to pray when you are not right in the middle of a problem or a time of sadness, isn’t it? I got the call today about my Dad and his need for open-heart surgery. He’s 81 and has a tired heart. Sure makes you pray differently doesn’t it? Sometimes we do not know how to pray, as we ought to. In his Word to us, God says, when we don’t know how we ought to pray, “The Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God” (Romans 8:26-27). That’s a great promise. When we stumble and stutter in our attempt to pray about things going on in our lives, the Holy Spirit takes our feeble attempt at praying and presents our words to God in a way that is best and in agreement with God’s will for our lives. What a relief! Talk to God about everything. Pray the best you can. Then enjoy help from God when you just don’t know what or how you ought to pray.

Sweet Hour of Prayer / 28
Author: Andy Baker
Translator: Wang Jing
Audio version: Edward Short

生命之光广播电台 © 2022