
LeviteConcubine01 (191 x 127)士师记第八课:个人任凭而行(下):士师记第十九章至第二十一章














16节:“甩石”:NIV Study Bible 告诉我们当时的军人甩的石头有400多克重;可甩的速度有150-160公里快kph (90-100 mph)。(The NIV Study Bible, New International Version, Kenneth Barker, General Editor. Grand Rapids, MI, USA: Zondervan Bible Publishers, 1985, s. v. Judges 20:16, p. 360.)


1节:以色列人曾经起了什么誓?打完战后,以色列人“悲痛地放声大哭”(普通话本)——是为了何事?请比较以色列人在士师记20:23, 26及在士师记21:2-3的两种态度。以色列人发现便雅悯人面对什么问题?请详细的述说以色列人怎么样解决这个问题。



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Judges/08: “Everyone Did as He Saw Fit” /02
Judges Chapters nineteen through twenty-one

1. Judges 19-21: Domestic Warfare:

First read Judges 19-21. Once again we have a very sad story that shows us to what a low level of morality the Israelites had fallen; “In those days, Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.” Note time frame: Phinehas, son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, was still alive, as noted in Judges 20:27-28.

2.Judges 19: A Levite and His Concubine:

The Levites were supposed to serve God. If the Levites had sunk this far into the mud, what about other people! Judges 19-21 shows us the moral situation of some of the people.

V. 1: “Now a Levite who lived in a remote area in the hill country of Ephraim took a c__________ from Bethlehem in Judah.” Some men took concubines during the Old Testament period, however, God’s original plan for the home was one man/one woman, one husband/one wife (see Genesis 2:23-24; Exodus 20:14). Today, it is a sin for a Christians to take a concubine; both polygyny and polyandry are sins (see Matthew 5:31-32; 19:2-12; 1 Corinthians ch. 7).

V. 2: What did the woman do? (Note: The Union Version and the Putonghua Version translate this very differently; the Union Version says she committed adultery; the Putonghua Version says they had an argument. This lesson follows the Union Version. [Compare the KJV, RSV, NIV and NRSV for these same differences in English.])

Vs. 3-10: Describe how the husband went to the house of his father-in-law and got his concubine.

Vs. 11-21: What happened in Jebus? (Of what in Genesis does this remind us? L___. Genesis ch. ____.) What did those scoundrels have in mind? What the host’s reaction? In your opinion, how was the host able to do what he did? In your opinion, how could the Levite do what he did? Do you think the Levite slept soundly that night? Why? The next morning, the Levite discovered that his concubine was d____. What did he do after he returned home? What are your thoughts about all of this? Do you see any irony in this story? For example, the Levite scolded everyone else for their moral lethargy, but what about himself?

3.Joshua 20: Eleven Against One:

V. 1: “From Dan to Beersheba” means the same as from north to south, from Harbin to Kunming, from Boston to Los Angeles. Find Dan and Beersheba on a map.

Vs. 1-48: Tell in detail how the Israelites dealt with the Benjamites. How many people were killed on the first day? On the second day? On the third day?

V. 35: In the end, how many Benjamites died?

V. 47: How many escaped? To where did they escape?

V. 16: “Sling a stone”: The NIV Study Bible tells us that in those days, soldiers slung stones that weighed 400 grams or more and were slung at a speed of 150 to 160 kph (90-100 mph). (The NIV Study Bible, New International Version, Kenneth Barker, General Editor. Grand Rapids, MI, USA: Zondervan Bible Publishers, 1985, s. v. Judges 20:16, p. 360.)

4.Judges 21: Eleven Assist One:

V. 1: What oath had the Israelites taken? After the battle, why did the Israelites weep bitterly? [The Chinese quotation is from the Putonghua Version.] Compare the attitude of the Israelites in Judges 20:23, 26 with their attitude in Judges 21:2-3. What problem did the Israelites realize the Benjamites faced? Explain in detail how the Israelites solved this problem.

V. 25: With what conclusion did the author of Judges end the book? To what conclusion to you come regarding all that is recorded in Judges?

Bible Study Questions: Judges/08:
“Everyone Did as He Saw Fit” /02
Judges 19-21
作者:谢德华 ©By Edward Short
A series of Bible lessons, written in Chinese
and based largely on the text of the Chinese Bible.
You may download and print copies of this lesson
for use in your Bible class.


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