
非洲之旅 01:“最有价值的!” Of Greatest Value

非洲之旅 02:“最好看的!” The Best

非洲之旅 03:“心里的愿望” Our Wishes

非洲之旅 04 :“值得!值得!” Worth It!

English Synopsis

1)  Of Greatest Value:  During our trip to visit our son and his family in Tanzania, we saw a lot of interesting animals and places.  But of greatest value to us was our being able to meet people, appreciate how they live, understand their problems, consider their value system, see how they solve problems, and occasionally to share the gospel.

2)  The Best:  Upon our return, someone asked Sharon:  Of all the many places and things you saw in Tanzania, what was your favorite?  Sharon answered immediately:  Our grandchildren!  This reply shows something about Sharon’s value system.  Indeed every decision we make grows out of our value system.

3)  Our Wishes:  In Tanzania, we visited Lake Manyara National Park that is inhabited by many wild animals.  All day long we said that we sure hoped we see some lions.  In the late afternoon, we got stuck in deep mud however, and—as the sun began to set—our thoughts switched 180 degrees to:  “Please Lord, no lions! And no hippos and no snakes!”  How often in life do we strive for something that later we realize was not for the best and so we must change our minds?  Abraham wanted a son so badly that he took matters into his own hands instead of waiting for God.  Let us “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness…”

4)  Worth It!  Our trip to Tanzania was strenuous on us physically, however it was worth it!  Jesus purchased our salvation at great cost to himself, yet he would say it was worth it!  Living the Christian life sometimes difficult and demanding, but when we get to heaven and see Jesus face-to-face, we will say that it was worth it!

生命之光广播电台 © 2022