

wheelchair_girl_02 (186 x 259)她坐在轮椅上,行动很不方便,但是脸上却散发着灿烂的笑容。“你从来就没有情绪低落的时候吗?”一个来看望她的人问道,“你身体的障碍不会困扰你,让你气馁吗?” “噢,不会的,”她笑着回答说,“你瞧,我有神的电话号码。我什么时候想给跟他通话都行。他那边从来都不会占线。他总是亲自来接,并且我所有遇到的问题他总能给出答案。” “啊?神的电话号码?你是说,你有神的电话号码?” “我就是有,”她说。“就在圣经旧约《耶利米书》33章3节,神说,“你求告我,我就应允你,并将你所不知道、又大又难的事指示你。”哇,神的号码果真在这儿!神承诺过要回答我们。只要我们呼求他,他就会做出超乎我们想象的事来。你已经拥有了那“电话号码,”给神“打电话”吧。虽然神在天上,你我在地上,但祷告是神的赐福,它使得两个世界得以联系。今天请你如同在和一位好朋友进行直接通话一样,向神祷告吧。去求神吧,如果我们的请求是对我们有益的,神必使我们的愿望实现。

作者: Andy Baker
译者: Wang Jing
播音: Edward Short


Telephone_02 (200 x 211)She was sitting in her wheel chair, badly handicapped but with a radiant smile on her face. “Don’t you ever feel down,” asked her visitor? “Doesn’t your handicap bother you and discourage you?” “Oh, no,” she replied with a smile. “You see, I have God’s telephone number. I can call Him up anytime I want to. His line is never busy. He always answers Himself, and He always has the answer to my problem.” “God’s telephone number, huh? What do you mean, you have God’s telephone number?” “I have it alright,” she said. “It is in the Old Testament part of the Bible in Jeremiah 33:3. That’s where God says, “Call to me, and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” Wow. It really is there! God has promised to answer. He will do things beyond our imagination, if we just call. You’ve got the number! Call on him. Although God is in heaven and you and I are upon the earth, prayer can bring about a blessed contact between both worlds. Pray today as though you were having a direct conversation with a good friend. Just ask. If the request is good for us, God will grant our wishes.

Sweet Hour of Prayer / 20
Author: Andy Baker
Translator: Wang Jing
Audio version: Edward Short

生命之光广播电台 © 2022