
divorce05 (150 x 117)我认为最悲哀的一句话之一是“我要离婚!”当夫妻二位面对问题、挑战、困难时,他们应该离婚吗?离婚并不是神的计划和旨意。当耶稣基督讨论婚姻时,他强调婚姻誓约的神圣性和重要。因此,人们不应该随随便便地离婚。当夫妻二位面对极大困难时,该怎么办?当配偶虐待你时,该怎么对付?

马太福音5:31-32, 19:1-12;
哥林多前书7:8-40;马太福音 18:15-35


♥ 请参看全文:本网站【基督徒家庭观】十二:我应该离婚吗?

12. Should I Divorce?

What sentence is sadder than, “I want a divorce!?” Should a couple divorce when they face problems? God doesn’t intend for homes to be broken. When Jesus discussed adultery and divorce, he emphasized thereby how holy and important the marriage covenant is; hence people should not divorce on a whim. What should you do when you face huge marriage problems? When ill-treated, how should you react? Probe your own heart, actions and attitudes. Your spouse’s actions were wrong, but what about your attitudes? Forgive your spouse. Someone said, “Forgiveness doesn’t make the other person right, it sets you free.” Yes, you hope your spouse will repent, but don’t wait on that. God forgave you; you forgive your spouse. Forgive, and then try to rebuild your home.

Read with spouse:
Matthew 5:31-32; 19:1-12;
1 Corinthians 7:8-40; Matthew 18:15-35.

1) Why should you forgive your spouse
when he/she offends or sins against you?
2) In private, each spouse list ten specific things
you can do to make your spouse know that
you love, appreciate and are thankful for him/her.
Give them to each other and then
do each of these things during the next two months.

By Edward Short / 作者:谢德华

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